List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

2013.07.22IraqAbu Ghraib4165Forty-one guards and inmates at a prison are killed during a sustained Sunni assault that involved suicide car bombers.
2013.07.22PakistanChaman28Two people are killed when a mosque is bombed by rival Muslims.
2013.07.22IraqMosul2529Thirteen people are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2013.07.22PakistanQuetta20Two Shiite teenagers are shot to death in a taxi by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
2013.07.21EgyptSinai511Five people are killed during a series of terror attacks by fundamentalists.
2013.07.21ThailandNarathiwat20A Buddhist married couple on their way to sell vegetables are ordered off their motorbike by Muslim 'insurgents' and summarily shot in the head.
2013.07.21PakistanKarachi26A Tehreek-e-Taliban bomb outside a secular-leaning political office leaves two dead.
2013.07.20IraqMosul835A suicide bombing and several Mujahid shootings leave eight dead.
2013.07.20IraqTobchi829Eight people in a Shiite neighborhood are exterminated by Sunni bombers.
2013.07.20IraqGarma12A mother and child are among the casualties of a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2013.07.20NigeriaMaiduguri13A young child is trampled during a reported attack by Boko Haram at a mosque.
2013.07.20IraqBaghdad917Jihadis double-bomb a busy shopping district, killing at least nine patrons.
2013.07.20PakistanKarachi30Three people are killed by a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bomb hidden in fruit.
2013.07.19PakistanKarachi11Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is thought to be behind the murder of a man in front of his 14-year-old son.
2013.07.19ThailandNarathiwat11Muslim 'insurgents' fire on a married couple, killing the man and injuring his wife.
2013.07.19YemenMudia10A man is shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.19LibyaBenghazi10A man traveling to a funeral is abducted and murdered by suspected Islamists.
2013.07.19Egyptal-Arish21Islamic fanatics send a rocket into a family home, blowing the heads off two residents.
2013.07.19PakistanBara20Two local soldiers pitching a tent are blown up by Sunni hardliners.
2013.07.19IraqHillah15A suicide bombing at a mosque leaves one other dead.
2013.07.19SyriaDamascus10Sunnis target a Shia mosque with a series of rockets that take out the custodian.
2013.07.19AfghanistanMarjah411Taliban use an IED to kill four people, including children.
2013.07.19IraqMosul22'Insurgents' kill two women when they fire a mortar into a residential neighborhood.
2013.07.19AfghanistanHelmand22Two people are taken apart by Taliban bombers.
2013.07.19YemenHuta01A gay man survives a targeted shooting by fundamentalists with injuries.
2013.07.19SomaliaMogadishu10A local doctor is shot to death by al-Shabaab cadres.
2013.07.19IraqSamarrah111A child is killed when Holy Warriors bomb a soccer field.
2013.07.19IraqDiyala2669Islamists blow up a rival mosque during midday prayers, exterminating at least two dozen worshippers.
2013.07.18EgyptSheikh Zuweid12A local policeman bleeds to death after Islamic militants fire into a station.
2013.07.18AfghanistanLogar80Eight civilians are stopped by religious extremists on their way to work, forced to kneel and then summarily shot in the head.
2013.07.18IraqMosul721A child is among seven people who lose their lives to a Religion of Peace shrapnel bomb at a teahouse.
2013.07.18IraqKirkuk10Holy warriors enter a home and shoot a woman to death.
2013.07.18PakistanBajaur24Two local soldiers are ambushed and murdered by al-Qaeda linked militants.
2013.07.18IndiaPampore21Two people are killed when Islamic militants target a heart surgeon.
2013.07.18IraqDujail20Muslim terrorists gun down a man and his wife on their way to work.
2013.07.18IraqBalad14A farmer is picked off by Religion of Peace snipers.
2013.07.18IraqWajihiyah30Three young men are tragically cut down by Islamist bombers.
2013.07.18IraqBaghdad25Two Iraqis are incinerated by a bomb blast.
2013.07.18Egyptal-Arish10A man is gunned down outside his home by Islamists.
2013.07.18IraqBaghdad30Fundamentalists break into a home and shoot three women to death on suspected immorality.
2013.07.18PakistanBadan32Islamic hardliners blow up a van carrying local tribesmen, killing at least three.
2013.07.18PakistanKarachi20Two cops are gunned down outside a furniture mart by suspected Islamists.
2013.07.18IndiaDharam043Angry Muslims riot over an alleged desecration of the Quran.
2013.07.18PakistanMamond23Two security personnel are shot to death in their vehicle by Muslim terrorists.
2013.07.18YemenSaada24Two Shiites are shot to death by Sunnis over a dispute concerning a mosque.
2013.07.18SudanGarsila11Islamic militia murder a school guard.
2013.07.17SyriaKanaker76Seven people, mostly women and children, are disassembled by a Sunni car bomb.
2013.07.17IraqMuqdadiyah40Small children out swimming are among four Iraqis bagged by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.07.17LebanonSarafand10A prominent leader is murdered by sectarian opponents.
2013.07.17SomaliaMogadishu10al-Shabaab activists murder a female government official.
2013.07.17AfghanistanHerat10Fundamentalists gun down a man outside a public bath.
2013.07.17Egyptal-Arish10A security guard is murdered by Muslim radicals.
2013.07.17SomaliaKismayo23An al-Shabaab bomb leaves two people dead.
2013.07.17IndiaSrinagar15One person is killed when a Muslim terrorist throws a grenade into the street.
2013.07.16ThailandYala10A rubber tapper is gunned down by militant Muslims.
2013.07.16IraqMuqdadiyah617A half-dozen worshippers at a mosque are sent directly to paradise by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.16YemenHuj10An accused homosexual is shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.16IsraelJerusalem01An Orthodox Jew is stabbed by two Palestinians.
2013.07.16PakistanKarachi20Suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban gun down two supporters of a secular party.
2013.07.16PakistanQuetta30A cleric and his brother are among three people assassinated by sectarian rivals while sitting at a kiosk.
2013.07.16AlgeriaTipaza43Four local soldiers are blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.07.16AfghanistanNangarhar23Two civilians bleed to death after a Taliban bomb planted on a bicycle detonates.
2013.07.16BangladeshDinajpur10A 60-year-old bus driver is stoned to death by Jamaat-e-Islam.
2013.07.15Egyptal-Arish317Three cement factory workers die when Islamic militants fire rockets at a bus.
2013.07.15IraqSamarrah411A 4-year-old boy is among four people blown to bits by Mujahid mortars as they are preparing to swim.
2013.07.15IraqKirkuk311A Fedayeen suicide attack is one of two bombings that leave three Iraqis dead.
2013.07.15SyriaDamascus137Over a dozen people are killed by a suspected al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.07.15PakistanQuetta42Four Shia civilians in a car are sprayed with bullets by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.07.15PakistanQuetta10Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists kidnap and torture to death a former Sunni who converted to Shia.
2013.07.15PakistanQuetta34Three people are killed when a sectarian Jihadi on a motorcycle fires into a shop.
2013.07.15IraqMosul26Two other people are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.07.15BangladeshSatkhira10Jamaat-e-Islam cadres beat a local man to death.
2013.07.14DagestanBurshi40Islamists four cops sitting in their car.
2013.07.14IraqBaghdad416Muslim terrorists target a commercial district, killing four innocents.
2013.07.14IraqMusayyib621A half-dozen worshippers at a Shia mosque are sent straight to Allah by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.14IraqNasiriyah522Five people are torn limb from limb by al-Qaeda bombers at a market.
2013.07.14IraqKarbala922Nine people are killed by a Sunni bomb in a Shia city.
2013.07.14IraqKut1168al-Qaeda bombers take out eleven Iraqis in a car bombing at a shopping district.
2013.07.14IraqBasra815At least eight people bleed out following a Mujahid car bombing.
2013.07.13PhilippinesGuindulungan20Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement militants ambush a truck carrying soldiers, killing two.
2013.07.13IraqBaqubah410A Shahid suicide bomber targets a funeral, killing four people.
2013.07.13IraqBaghdad1631Sixteen people are mosque are disassembled by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.13IraqMuqdadiyah29Sunnis plant a bomb in a Shia area that leaves two dead.
2013.07.13IraqBaghdad719Seven people are laid out by sectarian bombers at a Sunni worship center.
2013.07.13IraqMadaen27Fundamentalists murder two young people for playing a game during Ramadan.
2013.07.12IraqKirkuk4135Over forty people at a cafe are torn to pieces when a Holy Warrior yells 'Allah Akbar' and detonates a suicide vest.
2013.07.12EgyptDabaaya432A Muslim bomb attacks a Christian village, burning dozens of homes and killing four Copts.
2013.07.12EgyptSinai11Islamic militants fire a rocket into a checkpoint, killing a policeman.
2013.07.12SomaliaMogadishu715Seven civilians lose their lives to a suicide car bomber.
2013.07.12IraqMosul42A suicide bomber takes out four Iraqis.
2013.07.12SomaliaMogadishu210al-Shabaab members toss a grenade into a hotel lobby, killing two people.
2013.07.12AlgeriaKhenchla22A journalist is among two people who bleed to death following a fundamentalist bombing attack on a group of friends.
2013.07.11PakistanKohat27Muslim terrorists set off a bomb outside a mosque, killing two innocents.
2013.07.11AfghanistanHelmand51A vicious double bombing leaves five people dead.
2013.07.11IraqBarwana144Fourteen guards at an oil pipeline are shot to death by Islamic radicals as they are sitting down to dinner.
2013.07.11EgyptZweid10A Christian is found beheaded several days after being kidnapped by Muslim extremists.
2013.07.11PakistanChaman710A suicide bomber detonates at a "friendship" gate, sending seven others to Allah.
2013.07.11IraqRamadi50Five local cops are murdered by two suicide bombers.
2013.07.11IraqMuqdadiyah1324A Sunni suicide bomber rips apart thirteen mourners at a Shia funeral.
2013.07.11PakistanBeaver Ridge WV Canaan10A young mother is stoned to death on the orders of a jirga for possessing a cell phone.
2013.07.11SyriaLatakia10al-Qaeda linked rebels kill a senior member of the FSA rebels in cold blood.
2013.07.11IraqFallujah717Seven Iraqis are killed during an attack by Mujahideen.
2013.07.11IraqTuz Khurmatu1021Jihad car bombers take out ten people in a residential district.
2013.07.11IraqYathrib1018Mujahideen set off bombs near a coffee shop, sending ten patrons to Allah.
2013.07.11IraqDujail1125Sunnis set off a bomb outside a Shia mosque, killing eleven worshippers outright.
2013.07.10EgyptZuwayed10A young girl is killed when Islamists open fire on a car.
2013.07.10IraqBaghdad30al-Qaeda gunmen are suspected of breaking into a home and shooting three women to death.
2013.07.10PakistanKarachi312Three other people are killed when a suicide bomber walks up to a car and detonates.
2013.07.09PakistanKarachi51Five members of a secular political party are shot to death by suspected Taliban.
2013.07.09LebanonBeirut038Nearly forty people are injured when Sunnis car-bomb a Shia district.
2013.07.09SomaliaMogadishu13One person is killed when an al-Shabaab militants set off a bomb in a crowded marketplace.
2013.07.09AfghanistanHerat170Four children and a dozen women are turned into bloody pulp by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.07.09AfghanistanHelmand32Sunni militants bomb a taxi stand, killing three civilians.
2013.07.09EgyptNorth Sinai26Islamic extremists fire rockets into a checkpoint, killing two locals.
2013.07.09PhilippinesCotabato14Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters are suspected in a rocket attack on a restaurant.
2013.07.09Iraqal-Tarmiyah10A Christian 'infidel' is kidnapped and executed by Muslim terrorists.
2013.07.09AfghanistanKandahar16A Slovakian soldiers is killed by a Taliban terrorist in Afghan uniform.
2013.07.08IraqMosul15A car bomb in a commercial district leaves one dead.
2013.07.08ThailandPattani08Militant Muslims bomb a group of teachers and guards, injuring eight.
2013.07.08IraqTikrit30Three Iraqis are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.08PakistanHangu810Eight people are blown apart by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.07.08IraqMadain63Mujahideen bomb a youth center, killing six civilians.
2013.07.08PakistanKarachi10Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists gun down a Shiite civilian.
2013.07.08IraqMosul20Two Iraqis are shot to death by terrorists in separate attacks.
2013.07.08PakistanSwabi20Two bomb disposal team members are killed trying to defuse a bomb terrorists planted at a middle school.
2013.07.08YemenHadramawt10al-Qaeda gun down an army officer on his way in to work.
2013.07.08IraqMosul68Three children are among six Iraqis torn to pieces by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.07.08IndiaSawjian13Pakistani-backed Mujahideen kill one person with an IED.
2013.07.07IndiaBodh Gaya05Two monks are injured when militant Muslims set off nine bombs at a Buddhist temple.
2013.07.07BahrainSitra15Shiite terrorists detonate a bomb that kills a police officer.
2013.07.07ThailandPattani10A Buddhist plantation worker is shot to death on the job by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.07.07EgyptCairo1024Bearded Islamists light into a crowd of 'infidels' with weapons following incitement by a cleric.
2013.07.07AfghanistanGhazni14Taliban militants kill a civilian with a bomb.
2013.07.07IraqMusayyib61al-Qaeda gunmen exterminate an entire family, including two children and two elderly parents.
2013.07.06PakistanLahore540Five people, including a child, are blown to bits by Muslim bombers along a busy food street.
2013.07.06Egyptal-Arish10Islamic gunmen murder a Coptic priest.
2013.07.06YemenSanaa31al-Qaeda is suspected of planting a bomb that leaves three dead.
2013.07.06NigeriaPotsikum426Islamists massacre over forty students and teachers at a school, in some cases burning children alive.
2013.07.06DagestanKizilyurt11Islamic militia fire automatic weapons at a group of policemen, killing one.
2013.07.06IraqRashad40Two woman are among four civilians cut down by Mujahid bombers.
2013.07.06PhilippinesPikit27Islamists fire into a group of local soldiers, killing at least two.
2013.07.06IraqTikrit41Four Iraqis are killed when Sunni bombers target a judge.
2013.07.06IraqTikrit59Five civilians are wiped out by an al-Qaeda bomb blast near a hospital.
2013.07.06PhilippinesDatu Piang30The Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters set off a roadside bomb that leaves three locals soldiers dead.
2013.07.05IraqKut120Muslim radicals plant a bomb at a rival mosque that leaves one dead.
2013.07.05AfghanistanBab-e-Dosti410A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders four other people.
2013.07.05IraqSamarrah710A Shahid suicide bomber detonates near a rival mosque, incinerating four worshippers.
2013.07.05AfghanistanUruzgan125A dozen souls in a dining hall are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.07.05Egyptal-Arish50Five guards at an airport are gunned down by Islamists.
2013.07.05PakistanIslamabad10Islamic fundamentalists attack a local church, shooting one person to death.
2013.07.05IraqBaghdad1532A Sunni suicide bomber manages to take out over fifteen Shia worshippers at their mosque.
2013.07.05EgyptNagaa Hassan11A Christian businessman is hacked to death by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
2013.07.05EgyptAlexandria12Muslim Brotherhood supporters throw a teenager from a rooftop.
2013.07.04AfghanistanSarawza20Two boys, ages 10 and 12, are torn to shreds by Islamic bombers.
2013.07.04AfghanistanHelmand40Four young girls, ages 7 to 12, are disassembled by a Taliban bomb.
2013.07.04ThailandYala11Muslim terrorists fire on two men driving a car, killing one.
2013.07.04AfghanistanLashkar Gah11A senior policewoman is gunned down by suspected fundamentalists.
2013.07.04AfghanistanPashtun Kot52Four women are among five civilians pulled into pieces by a Sunni bomb.
2013.07.04PakistanDera Ismail Khan20A female health worker and her young sister are shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2013.07.04PakistanBowia53Five local soldiers at a checkpost lose their lives to a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.07.04IraqZafaraniyah20Muslim 'insurgents' gun down a female doctor and a school guard.
2013.07.04IraqBaghdad314Terrorists bomb a teahouse, murdering at least three patrons.
2013.07.04IraqTuz Khormato219Two people are killed when Sunnis bomb a soccer field.
2013.07.03IraqMosul412A suicide bomber kills four Iraqis.
2013.07.03IraqMosul112al-Qaeda bombers target a wedding, killing the groom.
2013.07.03IraqMushahda25Two Iraqis are taken out by an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2013.07.02IraqAbu Ghraib36Three Iraqis are obliterated by a car bomb.
2013.07.02IraqBaghdad10Suspected fundamentalists gun down a barber.
2013.07.02NigeriaBorno10A Pentecostal pastor is gunned down by Boko Haram.
2013.07.02IraqBaghdad924al-Qaeda car bombers take down nine people in a Shia commercial district.
2013.07.02IraqBaghdad1238A dozen patrons at an open-air market are blown to bits by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.07.02IraqKamaliya516Five innocents lose their live to Sunni bombers at a Shia market.
2013.07.02IraqDora415Four residents in a neighborhood are shredded by a Sunni bomb.
2013.07.02IraqAmiriyah212Terrorists take out two Iraqis with a car bomb.
2013.07.02AfghanistanKabul75Suicide truck bombers take out seven people.
2013.07.02IraqHurriyah313Three people bleed to death following an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2013.07.02IraqBaqubah417A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, killing four mourners.
2013.07.02IraqBaqubah40Terrorists machine-gun four patrons at a cafe.
2013.07.01IraqMuqdadiyah2327A Sunni suicide bomber self-detonates inside a Shiite mosque, sending two dozen worshippers straight to Allah.
2013.07.01SyriaQamishli13Muslim terrorists kill a young girl with an explosive device.
2013.07.01PakistanPishtakhara20Two police officers are machine-gunned at point-blank range by Sharia proponents.
2013.07.01IraqMishahada80Eight men are pulled out of their homes and executed by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.01IraqBaqubah1022Ten Iraqis sitting in a cafe are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.07.01IndiaPulwama10Terrorists open fire on a group of police officers, killing one.
2013.07.01AfghanistanNahrin40Four people lose their lives to Taliban bombers.
2013.07.01EgyptMuqattam80Eight anti-Brotherhood protesters are shot to death by Hamas members.
2013.07.01PakistanPunjab10A Shia is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.06.30IraqDawr10A 17-year-old girl's life is snuffed out by Mujahid bombers.
2013.06.30PakistanQuetta3060Nine women and five children are among thirty innocents slain outside a Shia mosque by a Lashkar-i-Jhangvi suicide bomber.
2013.06.30PakistanDera Islmail Khan415Four people are killed when Islamic militants send rockets into a residential neighborhood.
2013.06.30ThailandPattani10A 24-year-old civilian is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2013.06.30PakistanMiranshah716The Taliban murder seven Pakistanis with an IED.
2013.06.30PakistanKarachi10A secular political activist is murdered by suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2013.06.30IraqBaghdad1225A dozen young boys at a soccer field are ripped apart by an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2013.06.30ChinaAtush10A Muslim extremist stabs a policeman.
2013.06.30IraqHillah22Mujahideen kill two bus passengers with a planted bomb.
2013.06.30PakistanPeshawar1747A Religion of Peace car bomb leaves seventeen people dead.
2013.06.29IraqAbu Ghraib412Sunnis set off a bomb at a marketplace, killing three patrons.
2013.06.29ThailandYala84A massive roadside bomb set off by Muslim 'rebels' leaves eight local soldiers dead.
2013.06.29EgyptSinai10Islamists shoot a local cop six times in the head.
2013.06.29IraqQayara35Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.06.29NigeriaBorno1510Islamists sack several small villages, killing about fifteen people.
2013.06.29ChechnyaShatoi114Islamic militia kill a local police officer and injure fourteen others.
2013.06.29NigeriaPotiskum13Boko Haram terrorists murder a local soldier.
2013.06.29NigeriaMugunu100Ten traders on a business trip are massacred by Sharia proponents.
2013.06.29IraqGarma30Three Iraqis are shot to death by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.06.29AfghanistanZabul32Religious extremists kill three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2013.06.28ThailandNarathiwat10Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 50-year-old man to death inside a mosque.
2013.06.28AfghanistanLaghman51Five villagers are shredded by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.06.28ThailandYala11Muslim 'insurgents' fire on a mother and her two young sons, killing her and injuring the 2-year-old.
2013.06.28ThailandSongkhla27Muslim terrorists kill two people with a bomb outside a tea shop.
2013.06.28IraqZangoura1119al-Qaeda bombers take out eleven Iraqis.
2013.06.28IraqDujail412A suicide bomber at a funeral sends four more souls to Allah.
2013.06.28IraqBaghdad30Mujahideen bomb a bakery, laying out at least three innocents.
2013.06.28IraqMadain415Religious extremists set off a bomb at a soccer field that leave four dead.
2013.06.28AfghanistanFarah22A Fedayeen suicide bomber ends the lives of two civilians.
2013.06.27IraqBaghdad10Islamic fundamentalists shoot a barber to death.
2013.06.27SyriaIdlib20Two Christians, including a priest, are reportedly kidnapped, bound and beheaded on video by Islamists.
2013.06.27SyriaDamascus48A suicide bomber detonates outside a church, killing four innocents.
2013.06.27PakistanKarachi10A man is murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.06.27IraqBaghdad840Eight soccer fans are either blown up or shot to death by religious extremists.
2013.06.27IraqMeseib612Religion of Peace bombers target an auto show, taking out seven patrons.
2013.06.27IraqMadaen16A 3-year-old girl is disassembled by an al-Qaeda bomb planted at her home.
2013.06.27IraqBaqubah1035A coffee shop packed with soccer fans is the target of an al-Qaeda bomb blast that leaves at least ten dead.
2013.06.27SyriaQatana10A Greek Orthodox priest is kidnapped and tortured to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2013.06.26AfghanistanHerat50Five local cops are exterminated by Sunni radicals.
2013.06.26PakistanHayatabad14Islamic extremists murder a man at a market.
2013.06.26ThailandPattani15Children are among the casualties of a roadside bombing by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.06.26LibyaBenghazi10Suspected Islamists kill one person with a car bomb in a residential neighborhood.
2013.06.26PakistanKarachi1214Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers target a judge, killing a dozen people in the street.
2013.06.26PakistanJanaikhel30Three family members are obliterated by an Islamist bomb.
2013.06.26LebanonBeirut020Twenty people on a bus are stabbed in a suspected sectarian attack.
2013.06.26IndiaSopore10A local politician is assassinated by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2013.06.26IraqKirkuk30Three family members, including two women are sent to Allah by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.06.26ChinaLukqun2421At least two-dozen people are stabbed or beaten to death by rioting Muslim extremists.
2013.06.26NigeriaLangtang330Thirty-three students and elderly villagers are massacred in a coordinated attack by Muslim militia.
2013.06.26IraqBaghdad1016Religious radicals bomb a coffee shop showing a soccer game, taking out ten fans.
2013.06.26IraqMosul43Fundamentalists bomb a liquor store, killing four patrons.
2013.06.26IraqKirkuk11Two brothers are shot by al-Qaeda.
2013.06.25AfghanistanKandahar103Two children and eight women are shredded by a bomb planted by Sunni fundamentalists.
2013.06.25PakistanPeshawar10A bomb planted at a mosque kill a villager.
2013.06.25LebanonSirte60Six local soldiers are killed in an ambush by Islamic militia.
2013.06.25IraqIskandariya513Five Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.06.25IraqBaghdad415Four minibus riders are torn to pieces by an al-Qaeda shrapnel bomb.
2013.06.25AfghanistanKabul34A suicide attack on a government building leaves three guards dead.
2013.06.25IraqBaqubah818Eight young people are tragically killed when Islamists set off a bomb near a soccer field.
2013.06.25PakistanKarachi10Sunnis fire on a Shia funeral, killing one mourner.
2013.06.25IraqTuz Khurmato2780Twenty-seven demonstrators calling for better security are massacred by two Religion of Peace suicide bombers.
2013.06.25IraqBaghdad02Two guards are wounded when Muslims open fire on a Catholic church.
2013.06.24IraqBaghdad1137Eleven Iraqis are torn to shreds by five al-Qaeda car bomb blasts.
2013.06.24IndiaSrinagar811Hizbul-Mujahideen ambush a group of local soldiers, killing eight.
2013.06.24IraqHusseiniya1030Two bombs placed at a Shiite market send eight patrons to Allah.
2013.06.24IraqJihad921al-Qaeda bombers take out nine residents of a Shia neighborhood.
2013.06.24IraqBaghdad516Jihadis bomb a supermarket, killing at leave five Iraqis.
2013.06.24IraqNahrawan415Four people are ripped apart by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.06.24PakistanKarachi10A Shiite shopkeeper is picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba snipers.
2013.06.24PakistanKarachi10Sunnis kidnap and brutally torture a Shiite to death.
2013.06.24PakistanKhyber Pakhtunkhwa20Two people are brutally murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.06.24AfghanistanDeh-Sabz73Seven civilians are shot to death at a market by suspected Taliban.
2013.06.24IraqBaghdad12Jihadis bomb a Christian-owned store, killing a father of three.
2013.06.24IraqMosul27Two people are obliterated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.06.24IraqTikrit35Students are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber detonates inside a university parking garage.
2013.06.23IraqRiyadh314Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.06.23IraqTuz Khurmatu1931Car bombs targeting Shiites in a residential neighborhood leave at least nineteen dead.
2013.06.23SyriaDamascus310Three people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.06.23DagestanKohabrosso03Islamic militants try to kill a moderate imam in his home, wounding him, his wife and son.
2013.06.23EgyptZawiyat40Sunni hardliners throw petrol bombs into a house with Shia residents, burning and then stabbing and beating at least four to death.
2013.06.23LebanonSidon60Six local soldiers are murdered 'in cold blood' on orders of a Sunni cleric.
2013.06.23IraqBaghdad39Three civilians are killed when terrorists send a rocket shell into a hotel.
2013.06.23PakistanGilgit30Two girls and their mother are honor killed by conservative family members over a video of them enjoying rain.
2013.06.23PakistanKarachi20A lawyer and his son are shot to death in their car by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.06.23PakistanNanga Parbat110Religious extremists shoot ten foreign tourists and one guard to death at a mountain climbing camp.
2013.06.23SyriaIdlib10A Catholic monk is beheaded Islamists for defending nuns.
There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists. 
Daniel Greenfield
Previous Years:
If we are "at war" with Islam it is not because there is something
 wrong with us, but because there is something wrong with Islam.
