Egyptians Hate Obama:
President Barack Obama gave US support in the over throw of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Before the democratic elections could be held last year in Egypt, Obama through his support behind the radical Islamic terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Mohamed Morsi was elected president of Egypt and was sworn into office on June 30, 1012.
President Obama continued to offer tons of support to Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood. With Obama’s support, Morsi launched an all-out war against Egypt’s Coptic Christians. Morsi announced that he intended to re-establish the Islamic Caliphate and Obama continued to support him with hundreds of millions of dollars and military aid against the will of Congress. Morsi and his cabinet were seen on live television saying that the US was just as much an enemy as was Israel and that they needed to fight against us, and yet Obama continued to support him. According to the US Constitution, that support is defined as treason, but sadly our Congress is too gutless to do anything about it.
On July 4, 2013, Mohamed Morsi was ousted from office after he failed to comply with certain requirements placed upon him by the Egyptian military. Morsi may have won the election a year earlier, but after his ouster, it seems that a majority of the Egyptian people were celebrating. Their tyrannical president was gone and they saw new hope.
Amid the rampant celebration throughout Egypt, were anti-Obama posters and banners. Some of them read:
“Wake Up America, Obama backs Up a Fascist Regime in Egypt.”“Obama Supports Terrorism.”“Obama you jerk. Muslim Brotherhoods are killing the Egyptians so how come they can guarantee you the security of Israel. Hey Obama, your deal with the Muslim Brotherhood was unsuccessful. Obama you idiot. Keep in mind that Egypt is not Muslim brotherhoods and if you don’t believe that go and see what’s happening in Tahrir Square.”
The people of Egypt are obviously more astute than millions of Americans. They see Barack Obama for what he is and for what he does. They knew first hand that Obama supported terrorism and radical Islamists. They saw firsthand the human rights violations carried out by the people that Obama supported.
I wonder what the Egyptian people and military would do if Obama were to visit Egypt now? Would they welcome him with open arms or would they go after him to charge him with crimes against their people for his support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood?
I just wish the American people would see Obama for what he is like the Egyptian people see him. I wonder how long he would last in office. Would the people demand impeachment or arrest for crimes against the people of Egypt and the US? We can only hope that what happened to Obama’s buddy Morsi is an omen for what’s in store for Obama and his future.
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