France: Muslims besiege police station -- "In twenty years Trappes will be Chechnya"
islamversuseurope Rerports!
All the local people spoken to [by the journalist] in Trappes raised the issue of identity checks which targeted "only Muslims", an Islamophobic atmosphere specific to Trappes, according to them. "The whole town is fed up! Do you think we stage a revolt just for an identity check that goes wrong? It's the whole atmosphere of Trappes that makes us want to have a revolution," says one enraged man in his 30s, in front of a shopping centre in the town.
For someone who presents himself as a "philosopher of Trappes", "that could start again. It's going to start again. But not here: it could be any banlieue [suburb]. We've had enough of politicians wanting to 'whitify' the town. The night before, "things got hectic," he says. "It's when they fired on the little one that it started to spiral! We've had enough of bandit police playing at 'who can do the best arrest of a veiled woman'." Then one of his friends sees someone pass whom he believes to be a police officer in civilian clothes. He shouts: "It's going to be hot for you tonight! Get ready, we're ready!"
Kamel Laouadi, 32 and a father, proudly shows off his two imposing rifles... water rifles. "There, that's a large calibre!", he jokes, before becoming serious again. "We don't have this hatred for no reason. We would fight for France, but this going into religion all the time has to stop." For him, "what is going to happen tonight" is only the beginning. "In twenty years, Trappes will be Chechnya!"
All the local people spoken to [by the journalist] in Trappes raised the issue of identity checks which targeted "only Muslims", an Islamophobic atmosphere specific to Trappes, according to them. "The whole town is fed up! Do you think we stage a revolt just for an identity check that goes wrong? It's the whole atmosphere of Trappes that makes us want to have a revolution," says one enraged man in his 30s, in front of a shopping centre in the town.
For someone who presents himself as a "philosopher of Trappes", "that could start again. It's going to start again. But not here: it could be any banlieue [suburb]. We've had enough of politicians wanting to 'whitify' the town. The night before, "things got hectic," he says. "It's when they fired on the little one that it started to spiral! We've had enough of bandit police playing at 'who can do the best arrest of a veiled woman'." Then one of his friends sees someone pass whom he believes to be a police officer in civilian clothes. He shouts: "It's going to be hot for you tonight! Get ready, we're ready!"
Kamel Laouadi, 32 and a father, proudly shows off his two imposing rifles... water rifles. "There, that's a large calibre!", he jokes, before becoming serious again. "We don't have this hatred for no reason. We would fight for France, but this going into religion all the time has to stop." For him, "what is going to happen tonight" is only the beginning. "In twenty years, Trappes will be Chechnya!"
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