Brigitte Gabriel calls on President Obama to step down:

Brigitte Gabriel is a survivor of terror who leads a fast-growing grassroots national security organization, ACT! for America.
In this 37-minute exclusive interview with The Daily Caller, Gabriel speaks about her background, her organization and the threats she sees to America’s liberties and national security.
A Christian born in Lebanon, Gabriel saw her country of birth lost to radical Islam, and so she is passionately devoted to defending America’s freedom to ensure she doesn’t lose her adopted country to the same forces. The author of two books, she spent seven years of her childhood in a bomb shelter and carries shrapnel in her bones. Gabriel came to the U.S. in 1989 after working as an anchor for World News in Israel. Not afraid of being called names, she says, “If anybody’s gonna accuse me of being a racist, they better be able to argue with me in my mother tongue, Arabic!”
Gabriel is harshly critical of President Obama and his national security policies.
“President Obama is transforming the country right before our own eyes. He is sending a message to our enemies that America is weak, America is a ‘paper tiger,’” Gabriel told TheDC’s Ginni Thomas. “He is apologizing for America at any opportunity he can, and that is unacceptable.”
“[W]hen you are the president of the United States, your number one job is to be proud of your country when you are overseas. There is no excuse for bending backwards and forewords, and apologizing for our country as the president,” she added.
In the interview, Gabriel even calls on President Obama to step aside in favor of someone who is prouder of America.
“I am insulted, offended, humiliated that I have a commander in chief who is not a commander in chief but an apologizer in chief apologizing on my behalf and on the behalf of millions of proud Americans for what he calls the shortcomings of America,” she said. “I think that if America is that bad in his eyes maybe he needs to step aside and appoint somebody where we can have a commander in chief who is proud of the United States and everything the United States has done.”

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