Islamic supremacist pseudo-academic Omid Safi to NC Republicans: "Screw you"
Have you ever noticed that
Islamic supremacist spokesmen in the U.S., including those who claim to
be "moderate," are generally, well, arrogant, foul-mouthed creeps whose
idea of a discussion is to hurl insults? (See here
for a stellar example.) It's not an accident or a coincidence: they are
imitating Muhammad, the "excellent example" of conduct according to the
Qur'an (33:21).
Consider these hadiths (thanks to Sam Shamoun, and to David Wood who reminded me of their existence on the ABN show we did last night):
And Safi adds: "The above message has been brought to you by the letter F and U."
Characteristic. Omid Safi is an extremely dishonest pseudo-academic of extraordinarily low character. He peddles soothing nonsense to the easy marks at the Huffington Post about respecting other people, but elsewhere he shows his true colors: he has falsely claimed that I threatened to kill him and his family, after I dared to challenge his smear of me with the manipulative Muslim Brotherhood neologism of "Islamophobe" and offered to come to the class where he was defaming me and engage in discussion and debate with him and his students.
Fittingly, Omid Safi's Religion News Service blog is called "What Would Muhammad Do?" But in all fairness, he didn't resort to the obscenities Muhammad recommended. Omid Safi must be a moderate.
Consider these hadiths (thanks to Sam Shamoun, and to David Wood who reminded me of their existence on the ABN show we did last night):
Ubayy b. Ka‘b told that he heard God’s messenger say, “If anyone proudly asserts his descent in the manner of the pre-Islamic people, tell him to bite his father’s penis, and do not use a euphemism.” It is transmitted in Sarah [sic] as-sunna. (Mishkat Al Masabih, English Translation With Explanatory Notes By Dr. James Robson [Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers, Booksellers & Exporters, Lahore, Pakistan, Reprinted 1994], Volume II, Book XXIV – General Behaviour, Chapter XIII. Boasting and Party-Spirit, p. 1021)And:
… Then ‘Urwah said: “Muhammad, tell me: if you extirpate your tribesmen, have you ever heard of any of the Arabs who destroyed his own race before you? And if the contrary comes to pass, by God I see both prominent people and rabble who are likely to flee and leave you.” Abu Bakr said, “Go suck the clitoris of al-Lat!” – al-Lat was the idol of Thaqif, which they used to worship – “Would we flee and leave him?” … (The History of al-Tabari – The Victory of Islam, translated by Michael Fishbein [State University of New York Press (SUNY), Albany 1997], Volume VIII (8), p. 76) And in the words of Abu Bakr As-Sideeq to 'Urwah: "Suck Al-Lat's clitoris!" – there is a permissibility of speaking plainly the name of the private parts if there is some benefit to be gained thereby, just as he [Muhammad] permitted a plain response to the one who made the claims of the Jahiliyyah (i.e. claims of tribal superiority), by saying: "Bite your father's penis!"[3] And for every situation there is a (fitting) saying. (Provisions for the Hereafter (Mukhtasar Zad Al-Ma'ad), by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, summarized by Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab At-Tamimi [Darussalam Publishers & Distributors, First Edition: September 2003], Chapter. Regarding the Story of Al-Hudaibiyyah, p. 383; source; words within brackets ours)And so we come to this from the Islamic supremacist academic propagandist Omid Safi. The point is not what Safi is arguing for or against; the point is just how he argues: in imitation of his master. "To NC Republicans seeking to establish an official state religion: Screw You.," by Omid Safi for the Religion News Service, April 3 (thanks to Nicholas):
So all I have to say to you is this: Screw you.Now there's a poem worthy of Reza Aslan!
Screw you and your prejudice.
Screw you and your moronic arrogance.
Screw you and your bigotry.
And Safi adds: "The above message has been brought to you by the letter F and U."
Characteristic. Omid Safi is an extremely dishonest pseudo-academic of extraordinarily low character. He peddles soothing nonsense to the easy marks at the Huffington Post about respecting other people, but elsewhere he shows his true colors: he has falsely claimed that I threatened to kill him and his family, after I dared to challenge his smear of me with the manipulative Muslim Brotherhood neologism of "Islamophobe" and offered to come to the class where he was defaming me and engage in discussion and debate with him and his students.
Fittingly, Omid Safi's Religion News Service blog is called "What Would Muhammad Do?" But in all fairness, he didn't resort to the obscenities Muhammad recommended. Omid Safi must be a moderate.
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