Former London mayor blames U.S. for Boston jihad bombings.

Once again a Western leader displays the unconscious paternalism and ethnocentrism that mars so much of the West's response to Islamic jihad: their assumption is that Muslims are passive, helpless people who can do nothing but react to what the West does or does not do. The idea that Muslims may have ideas of their own, and that some of them may hate us for reasons of their own that are derived from Islamic texts and teachings, and that that hatred cannot be dislodged by any amount of "respect" from non-Muslims, never enters their minds.

"Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone: Boston Bombers' Anger Triggered by US Conduct," from MEMRI, April 26:
Following are excerpts from statements made by former mayor of London Ken Livingstone, which aired on Press TV and were posted on the Internet on April 26, 2013: Voice of Muhammad, a caller from the UK: How [come the Boston bombers] enjoyed all these pleasures there, and yet, they ended up blowing themselves up [sic] like that?
Ken Livingstone: Well, I think there is a problem… Very often people get incredibly angry about injustices that they see. They would have been reading about the torture at Guantanamo Bay, at Baghram airbase. They would have read stuff about how, I think it is 54 different countries secretly collaborated with America for this rendition – people being snatched off streets taken to be tortured, because the Bush regime believed that they were all potential terrorists. There was such ignorance in the Bush White House about Islam and about the history of so many disputes that exist in the Middle East. People get angry – they lash out.
It's the whole squalid intervention that has disfigured the record of the Western democracies. I think this fuels the anger of the young men, who – as we saw in Boston – went out, and, out of anger and demand for revenge, claimed lives in the West.
