
Spencer Ackerman, the hard-Left propagandist at Wired whose "exposes" of U.S. government training materials led to the wholesale purge of any true information about jihad and Islamic supremacism from those materials, has just interviewed the American jihadist Omar Hammami. The interview has some interesting bits, and is here -- but most interesting was a portion of the Twitter exchange between the two, which Ackerman (@attackerman) published along with the article.

One caveat: Hammami is actually @abumamerican on Twitter, while this shows Ackerman corresponding with @abuamerican, who appears to be someone else, so the whole exchange may not be authentic -- and I don't think Ackerman would be above fabricating the whole thing. However, Ackerman's repeated attempts to get Hammami, if this is Hammami, to acknowledge that he is only fighting because of U.S. foreign policy, and Hammami's counter that fighting is an imperative in his Islamic religion, has the ring of truth: Leftists like Ackerman hold the unshakeable assumption that the Islamic jihad against the free world is solely motivated by U.S. policies -- an ethnocentric and paternalistic presupposition that Muslims are merely passive reactors who have no thoughts or aspirations of their own, but can only react to what the big, bad powerful U.S. does. It never occurs to them that jihadists may hate the U.S. for reasons of their own, stemming from their own beliefs and outlook on the world.

And so Ackerman here practically begs Hammami to blame it all on the U.S., and Hammami refuses: "US policy is the factor defining specific target, but fighting is part of the religion." But Ackerman can't hear that, or investigate the questions of whether or not what Hammami says is accurate, how many other Muslims believe that same way, etc. For him to do anything like that would be "Islamophobic."

