Tolerance: The New ‘Live and Let Live’ of the PC Indoctrinated:Terrorist acts generated by Muslims here and around the world have now reached an amazing 20,984 attacks.
Under the Obama administration we have come to expect dishonesty,
sidestepping and outright flip flopping on any and all issues, imagined
or real. The latest drift is toward coming down hard on anyone who slams
or ‘inflames’ Muslims on social media like Twitter or Facebook.
This particular attack on the truth about dangerous religions and behaviors comes under guise of enforcing ‘freedom of religion’ laws. The reasoning is that since Muslims are not the only religionists to commit acts of terrorism that we have to reign in the excessive and hurtful rhetoric against Muslims
Selective law enforcement will begin soon because according to DOJ officials who are conveniently meeting with the ‘American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee’ to become enlightened on the ways Muslims may be inflamed.
We can safely imagine that if the emails, tweets and Facebook posts were garnered after a single event like the recent Boston bombings, the DOJ would have enough cases to prosecute for several decades to come.
When studying the math on whom exactly is bringing the most terror to the nation and the world, a preponderance of evidence makes the idea of comparison an absurdity. Let’s see.
For Christians we have one act of terrorism from the Oklahoma City bombers. For Hindus we have one act of terror in the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin. Terrorist acts generated by Muslims here and around the world have now reached an amazing 20,984 attacks.
Should our DOJ be out trying to quell the dangerous insults or finding ways to prosecute and deter those who would put their religious beliefs ahead of the safety and peace of ordinary citizens? To most of us asking this question might seem silly, but to Eric Holders DOJ and the White House’s ‘Master of Tolerance and Diversity’ the question is not very important.
After the recent terrorist attack in Boston and the new elevated alert level law enforcement has made known for possible terrorist attacks, does this seem like the appropriate time to be coddling Muslims?
It is far easier to understand why the American Freedom Defense Initiative has adopted the slogan “It’s Not Islamophobia, It’s Islamorealism.”
For Christians it is not supposed to matter that over 100,000 Christians are martyred every year in over 50 countries, most Muslim. We are to turn the other cheek – “But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Mt 5: 39)
The Obama administration has done nothing and said nothing to denounce or deter the slaughter of believers anywhere in the world. But now comes the DOJ to keep the Muslims from being ‘inflamed.’
Christians, both Catholic and Protestant could have spoken on this matter with a solid and singular voice in the last election, but they did not. Their choices and or their indifference will now come back to haunt them - if DOJ has its way.
Christians seem confused about Jesus’ call to turn the other cheek. It has never meant that we should turn and empower our enemies. It has never meant that we should empower religious bigotry or plain stupidity.
The commandment to non-violent reaction is based on a motive of love. The worldview is that we should respond in kind – anger for anger, violence for violence. This view is seen as ‘power,’ at least a show of personal power and defiance. In the gospel it is seen as a weakness.
It was the power of love (non-resistance) that kept Jesus on the cross until his death that cut a path to salvation for anyone who would repent and believe.
That is real power.
As a lifelong student of second coming doctrine, I can say with no uncertainty that the power Jesus did not use as he hung on the cross to die for the sins of the world – he will use at his second coming when judgment flows like a mighty river.
To fully understand the kind of power Jesus did not use to thwart his crucifixion is proof of the real power (love) that brought salvation to a wicked and hopelessly lost world, both then and now. To wit:
When they came to arrest him in the garden someone drew a sword. Jesus told them to put the sword away and replied – “Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?” (Mt 26: 52-54)
We’ve done some math on Muslim terrorists; now let’s do some math on avenging angels. Twelve legions of angels is 72,000. These superior beings could have easily dealt with a small contingent of Roman crucifiers or the entire Roman Empire. They were not called and that is why to this day the call is going out to you instead.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Mt 11: 28-29)
This particular attack on the truth about dangerous religions and behaviors comes under guise of enforcing ‘freedom of religion’ laws. The reasoning is that since Muslims are not the only religionists to commit acts of terrorism that we have to reign in the excessive and hurtful rhetoric against Muslims
Selective law enforcement will begin soon because according to DOJ officials who are conveniently meeting with the ‘American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee’ to become enlightened on the ways Muslims may be inflamed.
We can safely imagine that if the emails, tweets and Facebook posts were garnered after a single event like the recent Boston bombings, the DOJ would have enough cases to prosecute for several decades to come.
When studying the math on whom exactly is bringing the most terror to the nation and the world, a preponderance of evidence makes the idea of comparison an absurdity. Let’s see.
For Christians we have one act of terrorism from the Oklahoma City bombers. For Hindus we have one act of terror in the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin. Terrorist acts generated by Muslims here and around the world have now reached an amazing 20,984 attacks.
Should our DOJ be out trying to quell the dangerous insults or finding ways to prosecute and deter those who would put their religious beliefs ahead of the safety and peace of ordinary citizens? To most of us asking this question might seem silly, but to Eric Holders DOJ and the White House’s ‘Master of Tolerance and Diversity’ the question is not very important.
After the recent terrorist attack in Boston and the new elevated alert level law enforcement has made known for possible terrorist attacks, does this seem like the appropriate time to be coddling Muslims?
It is far easier to understand why the American Freedom Defense Initiative has adopted the slogan “It’s Not Islamophobia, It’s Islamorealism.”
For Christians it is not supposed to matter that over 100,000 Christians are martyred every year in over 50 countries, most Muslim. We are to turn the other cheek – “But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Mt 5: 39)
The Obama administration has done nothing and said nothing to denounce or deter the slaughter of believers anywhere in the world. But now comes the DOJ to keep the Muslims from being ‘inflamed.’
Christians, both Catholic and Protestant could have spoken on this matter with a solid and singular voice in the last election, but they did not. Their choices and or their indifference will now come back to haunt them - if DOJ has its way.
Christians seem confused about Jesus’ call to turn the other cheek. It has never meant that we should turn and empower our enemies. It has never meant that we should empower religious bigotry or plain stupidity.
The commandment to non-violent reaction is based on a motive of love. The worldview is that we should respond in kind – anger for anger, violence for violence. This view is seen as ‘power,’ at least a show of personal power and defiance. In the gospel it is seen as a weakness.
It was the power of love (non-resistance) that kept Jesus on the cross until his death that cut a path to salvation for anyone who would repent and believe.
That is real power.
As a lifelong student of second coming doctrine, I can say with no uncertainty that the power Jesus did not use as he hung on the cross to die for the sins of the world – he will use at his second coming when judgment flows like a mighty river.
To fully understand the kind of power Jesus did not use to thwart his crucifixion is proof of the real power (love) that brought salvation to a wicked and hopelessly lost world, both then and now. To wit:
When they came to arrest him in the garden someone drew a sword. Jesus told them to put the sword away and replied – “Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?” (Mt 26: 52-54)
We’ve done some math on Muslim terrorists; now let’s do some math on avenging angels. Twelve legions of angels is 72,000. These superior beings could have easily dealt with a small contingent of Roman crucifiers or the entire Roman Empire. They were not called and that is why to this day the call is going out to you instead.
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” (Mt 11: 28-29)
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