So… let me get this straight. Muslims can practice their faith within the public school and even be excused from class to do so, but Christians cannot practice theirs off-campus?CAIR Demands Muslim Prayer In Schools But Attacks Optional Bible Lesson:

Roseville Public Schools apologized for giving elementary students permission slips to attend Bible classes at a local Baptist church after The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) sent a letter of complaint to the district.

The letter from the CAIR-MI executive director read, “School staff and teachers are not to serve as advocates for one particular religion or congregation within a religion by passing out slips inviting parents to give permission for their children to attend religious instruction.”

As pointed out, this is exactly what CAIR wanted for Muslim students in a nearby district.
CAIR staff “recently met with Dearborn Public Schools Superintendent Brian Whiston to discuss concerns from some parents regarding prayer accommodations in Dearborn Public Schools,” according to Arab-American News.

The article goes on to say, “Dearborn Public Schools has implemented a policy which fully accommodates student-led prayer in all the schools, as well as unexcused absences for students who leave early on Fridays for Jumu’ah prayers. CAIR-MI is currently in discussion with Melvindale Public Schools to get similar accommodations for students that are now in place for Dearborn Public Schools. ”


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