Management is in a Catch-22 situation, if they pursue the claim of discrimination against your Muslim neighbors, they will be violating their civil rights

"Management is in a Catch-22 situation, if they pursue the claim of discrimination against your Muslim neighbors, they will be violating their civil rights"

I received this letter from the author of the message contained in the May 2012 Jihad Watch post "The Islamic supremacists next door." In that one, I altered the names at the request of the sender. In this one, he reveals his actual identity and updates the story:
Dear Mr. Spencer and JihadWatch readers, Thank you for posting our letter as titled “The Islamic Supremacists Next Door.” The original text is posted below.
Thank you to Pamela Geller for defending our US Constitutional First Amendment right to the Freedom of Speech. I am weary and worried that our nation lacks the political will and sufficient attention and awareness to preserve our basic and fundamental rights. Our story is testament to this concern. Please assist as you are able.
I am posting this link of request for donations to our Legal Defense Fund that can be made via PayPal at this link:

The situation here is dire. My family has been falsely accused of being “racist” and committing “hate crimes.” The management company, Jon Berkley Management, Inc., their attorney Richard M. Mehigan, and property owner Mutual Housing of California are pursuing a case of defamation and malicious prosecution of our family in spite of significant evidence to deny the validity of their claim.
While there is no evidence against us of committing such actions, we have been threatened with eviction from our apartment home in the Davis, CA Affordable Housing program. We cannot afford to hire an attorney. The state low income legal defense organization, Legal Services of Northern California states that their office is “unwilling” to defend our case in civil court. I am legally blind. Since eviction suit against us is in the civil court, there is no court appointed attorney. We are in a situation of reverse discrimination that has the full intention of destroying our family’s security. My children have both entered psychological counseling and have formally been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD.
The Davis Police Department is the sole enforcement agency that has stated unequivocally that there is no evidence against my family; there has been no request to investigate or reports of these crimes taking place. The Davis Police Department has prepared a report documenting our situation and forwarded to the Yolo County District Attorney’s office regarding provable false statements on the part of the Jon Berkley Management, Inc. staff and provable perjury on the part of 4 of the “witnesses” to these accusations. The Yolo County DA Office states that “perjury is a very difficult charge to prosecute beyond a reasonable doubt.” Citing the difficulty to prosecute, the Yolo County DA office has refused to question the “witnesses” and have written to me that indeed my request for these persons to be questioned as to the validity of their statements under oath is in fact an “unethical” request. End of discussion.
I will post an update to what the DA office has said, the inconsistency of their statements with that of the Yolo County Sheriff’s office report and handling of the “investigation” (or complete lack thereof) and how this connects to the court hearings and the perjury committed by the next door neighbor, the “witnesses” and the reaction of the Yolo County Superior Court Judge Dan Maguire. For the moment, I will say that our Request for Restraining Order hearing took place on September 13, 2012, two days after news of the murder of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens was announced on the news. In fact, Ambassador Stevens' death carried particular impact to our local community, as he had grown up in our town, Davis, California. Ambassador Stevens’ father is a retired Yolo County Superior Court Judge who had sat on the bench currently occupied by the current judge, political appointee Judge Dan Maguire.
In reference to Mr. Ibnouzahir’s verbal threat to myself and my wife of April 2, 2012 (as documented in “The Islamic Supremacists Next Door”) “Do you have a problem with Islam?!!!” Judge Maguire calmly asked my wife “why would you feel threatened by Islam?” Given the written and verbal testimony provided to the court, my wife simply answered to this question, “Are you serious?” Judge Maguire had previously been shown a video taken in July, 2012 of the neighbor Soumaya Ibnouzhair saying “Loser, GOTCHA!” to me through my living room window. Judge Maguire asked me, “Why would an 8 year old girl say that?” I replied, “Because she is a bully.” He stopped me and said, “We won’t be calling names in this courtroom.”

I will post a more substantial review of the court proceedings in the immediate days to come. Judge Maguire in fact described all of the harassment as “such that could happen on any American sidewalk.”
We have filed an official complaint to US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. The HUD investigator, Susan Jeskel of the HUD San Francisco office, stated that the neighbor’s daughter Soumaya telling my five year old daughter Emma that she was “going to burn in boiling oil in Hell, having layers of her skin peeling off while being burnt alive for not being Muslim, and Santa Claus is not real and your parents lie" was that child Soumaya’s “exerting her right to Freedom of Speech and that that was protected speech and was not a valid basis for complaint.” Ms. Jeskel continued to defend the rights of our neighbors by characterizing our complaint regarding the request of our neighbors that our son enter our apartment through the back door as our neighbor’s “freedom to exercise their religion, protected by the Constitution.” The following is the text of our formal complaint regarding these requests by our neighbors as presented to HUD:
She asked us to seek the approval of her husband so that her daughters could play with our 5 year old daughter, Emma and that we should invite him into our home for coffee from time to time. At this point, we had neither sought nor solicited their friendship. However, she imposed upon us that our son Tristan (8 years old at the time) would not be able to play on our own front porch because that's where her daughters were accustomed to playing. She reminded us that in the Muslim world, non-Muslim boys of Tristan's age could not play around Muslim girls. To this outrageous demand, Laura replied, "Your religion cannot interfere with my lifestyle." We asked her to keep herself and her children in her front yard area, and realize that we had moved in and that we were occupying the apartment next door. We requested that our privacy be respected. She disregarded any and all boundaries that we had requested to her. She would instruct her children (who were homeschoolers at the time) to sit in front of our door, porch and walkway, blocking the entrance to our apartment's front door with toys and food to the point that our son could not come in through the front door of our apartment. Tristan began complaining about having to use the back door as an entrance to the apartment. The Moore Village community area and playground is facing our front door just across the parking lot. We asked Aisha to have her daughters play in the community area to which she replied, "My daughters are not allowed to play in the community area." Our children, Tristan and Emma were encouraged to play and, under our supervision, did always play in the playground and community area with other children.
Every morning for more than two weeks, while our children were in school, Aisha's daughter Soumaya would knock on our door demanding for Tristan to play with her. This was extremely confusing. Laura knocked on Aisha's door to address the constant demand of her daughter toward Tristan and to address her daughter's climbing the tree outside our living room window, staring in at us throughout the day, Aisha accused Laura of being angry and slammed the front door in her face. The following day, Aisha invited two other Muslim women to sit and picnic on the grass area outside our window, talking for long periods of time at a distance of no more than 10 feet from our living room windows. Given that Laura had been shut out at her attempt to communicate acceptable boundaries, I

asked Aisha and her children not to climb the tree or to sit in our yard, once again, without success. Finally, we solved the situation by locking our bicycles at the base of the tree in our yard. When the landscapers came that week, Tina Ortiz, the onsite manager came over and asked us to move the bikes so that the landscapers could mow the grass. We took the opportunity to tell Ms. Ortiz about the frustrating living situation we had been experiencing and asked for direct help to maintain boundaries and would she talk to Aisha. Ms. Ortiz spoke with Aisha and told us that Aisha's actions were not only an invasion of our privacy, but that climbing the trees was in violation of the Moore Village Community rules. After two days of maintaining distance, Aisha reproached Laura outside our front yard, saying, "This is our tree. You didn't have to go to the manager for that."

Complaint with HUD closed for lack of discrimination or Constitutional violation. End of discussion.
Jon Berkley Management took the side of the neighbors, despite very civil and documented explanation of what had occurred and admission of the neighbors that the events did take place. A letter was drafted by the Moore Village Apartments manager Tina Ortiz with erroneous and deceptive dates as well as false statements. In fact, all that we had known of Islam up to that point we had been told by our neighbor Aischa Ibnouzahir.

Our complaint filed with California Department of Fair Employment and Housing was pursued with the same and additional evidence. DFEH investigators found “no evidence of discrimination.” Case was closed. Management and neighbors were notified in writing that DFEH was not going to act on a discrimination charge. Upon appeal, when taken to the Quality Assurance officer, Angelina Endlsey (a contact recommended personally by Yolo County Deputy DA Jonathan Raven), my wife was told that (regarding the lack of enforcement of community, Civil Rights, State and Federal laws being breached by our neighbors with the consent of the management company) “Management is in a Catch-22 situation, if they pursue the claim of discrimination against your Muslim neighbors, they will be violating their civil rights.” My wife replied, “so, you’re saying I should turn the other cheek?” and there was no reply, just the information that the case would be reinvestigated. Currently there is no update as to the case status.

Please read the post “The Islamic Supremacists Next Door.”
The original text with names and locations is as follows:
May 9, 2012 To Whom It May Concern,
We write this letter on behalf of our family and the Moore Village Apartments community with particular attention to the rights as stated in the lease that all residents "have the right to live in decent, safe housing," and that all residents must conduct themselves "in a manner that will not disturb your neighbors." This is achieved by applying and respecting neighbor’s and each resident's BOUNDARIES.
We have the right to have our boundaries respected and address with management those who violate boundaries on a continuous basis.

This letter is a formal complaint regarding the conduct of our neighbors in Unit 121 at Moore Village Apartments. Additionally, we are filing a police report with regard to our neighbors' harassment and threats made on April 2, 2012.
From the first week we moved into our apartment, we were faced at our front door by the neighbor Aisha and her children.

They introduced themselves as Muslims and make abrasive comments toward the Moore Village community, declaring that "I can't stand this place. I've lived here for a long time and it's ugly. I can't stand the people around here or walking through this neighborhood. It's so boring, like suburbia. I wish we lived closer to downtown. Good luck with it here." Having just moved from West Davis, we were certainly not in agreement, commenting on how new the buildings were and how nice it was to be surrounded by bike trails and the fields. Aisha asked us if we were going to have an issue with them being Muslim, to which we replied, "No, we don't have any prejudices with religion. That's not an issue with us and your religion is your own personal business."

Also in the first week, Aisha visited our apartment two nights in a row, concerned as she said, "My husband should not know I am here" stating we "should not be concerned about any of her attempts to convert us to Islam so that our children could play together". She spoke badly about her choice in converting to Islam and that said she disliked the attitude of superiority and "arrogance" the Muslims "impose" on non-Muslims. She complained that Muslims often used "double standards" and "manipulative". She said she wanted to "get out of Islam." At no point did we ask for or encourage any of this information. At this time, she was still wearing the Muslim veil at all times outside of her house. She asked us to seek the approval of her husband so that her daughters could play with our 5 year old daughter, Emma and that we should invite him into our home for coffee from time to time.

At this point, we had neither sought nor solicited their friendship. However, she imposed upon us that our son Tristan (8 years old at the time) would not be able to play on our own front porch because that's where her daughters were accustomed to playing. She reminded us that in the Muslim world, non-Muslim boys of Tristan's age could not play around Muslim girls. To this outrageous demand, Laura replied, "Your religion cannot interfere with my lifestyle." We asked her to keep herself and her children in her front yard area, and realize that we had moved in and that we were occupying the apartment next door. We requested that our privacy be respected.
She disregarded any and all boundaries that we had requested to her.

She would instruct her children (who were homeschoolers at the time) to sit in front of our door, porch and walkway, blocking the entrance to our apartment's front door with toys and food to the point that our son could not come in through the front door of our apartment. Tristan began complaining about having to use the back door as an entrance to the apartment. The Moore Village community area and playground is facing our front door just across the parking lot. We asked Aisha to have her daughters play in the community area to which she replied, "My daughters are not allowed to play in the community area." Our children, Tristan and Emma were encouraged to play and, under our supervision, did always play in the playground and community area with other children.

Every morning for more than two weeks, while our children were in school, Aisha's daughter Soumaya would knock on our door demanding for Tristan to play with her. This was extremely confusing. Laura knocked on Aisha's door to address the constant demand of her daughter toward Tristan and to address her daughter's climbing the tree outside our living room window, staring in at us throughout the day, Aisha accused Laura of being angry and slammed the front door in her face. The following day, Aisha invited two other Muslim women to sit and picnic on the grass area outside our window, talking for long periods of time at a distance of no more than 10 feet from our living room windows. Given that Laura had been shut out at her attempt to communicate acceptable boundaries,
asked Aisha and her children not to climb the tree or to sit in our yard, once again, without success. Finally, we solved the situation by locking our bicycles at the base of the tree in our yard. When the landscapers came that week, Tina Ortiz, the onsite manager came over and asked us to move the bikes so that the landscapers could mow the grass. We took the opportunity to tell Ms. Ortiz about the frustrating living situation we had been experiencing and asked for direct help to maintain boundaries and would she talk to Aisha. Ms. Ortiz spoke with Aisha and told us that Aisha's actions were not only an invasion of our privacy, but that climbing the trees was in violation of the Moore Village Community rules. After two days of maintaining distance, Aisha reproached Laura outside our front yard, saying, "This is our tree.

You didn't have to go to the manager for that."
At the end of the summer, we began to see that Aisha's daughters were seeking our children's friendship in the community playground area, always when their father was away from the complex. They were ordered to come in immediately upon his return. Aisha established a relationship with our children through her children that was hidden from their father. Soon after, Aisha enrolled her older daughter into our children's public school, Birch Lane Elementary and stopped wearing the Muslim veil and clothing. By Christmas, she decided to knock on our door and offer Laura a gift, which Laura interpreted as an apology for slamming the door.

We did not seek nor encourage relations with Aisha despite the fact that our children did play together in the common area. Aisha sought our attention and began again offering information about her intentions and changes toward leaving Islam. She informed us again that she was very unhappy in her marriage and that she had stopped going to the mosque, but that she was forced to keep attending Muslim community meetings and social gatherings. Again, we requested distance and avoided any involvement in her private life.

We did continue to hear frequent verbal arguments and fighting from next door. The yelling was very one-sided, as it was Aisha's husband who was shouting. We took the opportunity to communicate the bullying behavior of her oldest daughter Soumaya (8 years old) toward our daughter Emma (5 years old), exposing Emma to the horrors of Hell as described in the Koran. We witnessed the children talking in the playground and Emma coming in running and crying, explaining that Soumaya (quoting passages from the Koran) had told her that she was "going to burn in boiling oil in Hell, having layers of her skin peeling off while being burnt

alive for not being Muslim, and Santa Claus is not real and your parents lie." At this point we confronted Aisha with the bullying situation and she smiled in reply to the story saying, "That's because Soumaya has started studying the Koran." No apology, no remorse, no sympathy whatsoever. Emma was not able to sleep on her own for months and was traumatized by the visuals of such horrors. From this point on we want no contact whatsoever with Soumaya. Aisha admits that Soumaya is a bully. We demand that Soumaya keep her distance from Emma in the playground and stop calling Emma's name from outside while Emma is upstairs in her room. We demand that Aisha enforce this by supervising her child. Aisha says only, "I cannot cope."
April 2, 2012

It is our son Tristan's tenth birthday. We have been celebrating with him throughout the day. At around 5:30pm, Emma, our 6 year old daughter is upstairs playing a game on her computer. From our front walkway, Soumaya calls Emma through the upstairs window Laura and I tell Soumaya not to talk to Emma. "Stay away from Emma. I told your mother (Aisha). We told Emma not to play with you." Less than five minutes later, Soumaya's father, Hachin, comes over knocks on the the door and I opened.
He asks loudly, "What is going on? Why is Soumaya upstairs crying?"

I reply, "Soumaya is upstairs crying because she wants you to be over here doing this right now. She's manipulating you."

He begins to shout. "There is a way to talk to the kids."
I reply, "You don't even know what's going on here. We've talked with Aisha. She knows what's going on. You should go home now."

He shouts, "Shut up. You don't interrupt me! You listen to me! You listen to me!" Laura comes out the door and says "Matthew, come inside."

He shouts, "You go inside, woman! You go inside woman!! This is man to man!"
I yell back at him. "You don't talk to her like that! You can take that shit back to Morocco !"

He replies, "You have a problem with Islam?"
I reply, "I have a problem with you here right now yelling. You don't even know what's going on!"

Aisha is standing right behind him saying nothing. Laura asks her, "Is this what you want? Is this what you wanted?"
He squares off to me. I stand up to him. We are standing on my doorstep. I yell, "Fuck you. Go back to your house. Don't come to my home with this bullshit!"

I turn and go inside with Laura. I immediately called Tina Ortiz, leaving a message on the Moore Village voicemail. I told her if the man came back to my door I would call the police. Since this event, we've spoken with Management. Our request is for a clear boundary to be set. Management has called in Aisha and Hachin. There has been no apology. Two days later, Emma was playing on the monkey bars with another child from the complex. Soumaya came outside, again unsupervised, (as usual when she sees Emma outside) and called her, "Emma, Emma!" to play with a ball. I went immediately outside and told Emma not to engage in any way with Soumaya. Walking back in, I told Soumaya not to engage with Emma. Soumaya smiled at me and said, "I didn't mean to say "Emma", I meant to say Malak" (her sister).

May 8, 2012
On Monday afternoon, Laura was driving our car along Moore Blvd. and I was in the front seat passenger side. We were heading home. As she approached the intersection of Moore Blvd. and Sloan St., she signaled a left turn. There was oncoming traffic which she had to stop and wait for before proceeding through the intersection and making the turn. While waiting for the traffic to pass, Hachin and Aisha pulled up behind our car. Rather than wait for the traffic to pass and for us to make the turn (Moore Blvd. is a one lane road in either direction) Hachin pulled up very close to the rear of our car and then began to surge forward and to the right, as if to pass us. There was not enough room for a car to pass another in this single lane. Laura pulled forward and over to the left when the traffic had passed. Hachin stopped his car and made eye contact and smirked. At that point, Laura had crossed into Sloan St. and stopped the car. Realizing it was Hachin taunting with his car (in reaction to his road rage and intimidation), she insulted him and gave him the finger. A few minutes after arriving home, Tina Ortiz came over to talk with us. She said Hachin had accused us of harassment and she wanted to know what happened. We told her exactly what happened. Ms. Ortiz explained that Hachin had not mentioned the fact of the oncoming traffic which we were waiting for to make our turn (accusing us of stopping in the middle of the road on purpose) and also mentioned that Hachin had asked Aisha "is that their (our) car?" before arriving at the intersection.
We would appreciate a meeting at this time to resolve the issue of our neighbor's unwillingness to respect and maintain personal boundaries. Onsite manager Tina Ortiz has proposed a meeting with her supervisor present. Our neighbor had previously declined this proposal. We need to resolve this situation with an authority present who can explain to our neighbor the rules of our community. It is entirely inappropriate to say one thing and to do another. We have expressed for months our wish that neighbor's child stay away from ours. Now we request that the entire family stay away from our family.

Sincerely yours,

Matt and Laura Hamilton
Moore Village Apartments #120
Davis, CA 95618
