Al Qaeda Issues Chilling New Threat on Jihadi Web Site: Pledges ‘Earth-Shattering’ Attacks on U.S., Western Targets
For anyone who thinks that al Qaeda
operatives have simmered in their penchant for waging attacks on Western
targets, consider the terror group’s newest threat — a chilling pledge
posted on the jihadi Ansar al Mujahidin web site. In it, the group
promises to implement “shocking” attacks on the U.S. and other
democratic targets. The message also details a “map” of al Qaeda’s
“future strikes,” which the unidentified writer claims will carry the
weight of “God’s might.”
A message, originally written in Arabic, asks,
“Where will the next strike by Qaeda be?” The terror group then
proceeds to answer, pledging to make their future actions against
Western targets, “strong, serious, alarming, earth-shattering, shocking
and terrifying.” In addition to the U.S., France and Denmark
are explicitly mentioned as intended marks.
troops patrol on January 30, 2013 along the Niger river in the northern
city of Gao, a key Islamist stronghold until it was retaken on January
26 by French and Malian troops in a major boost to the French-led
offensive against the Al Qaeda-linked rebels, who have been holding
Mali’s vast desert north since last April. Credit: AFP/Getty Images
“The coming strikes by al Qaeda, with
God’s might, will be in the heart of the land of non-belief, America,
and in France, Denmark, other countries in Europe, in the countries that
helped and are helping France, and in other places that shall be named
by al Qaeda at other times,” reads the cryptic threat.
According to the Washington Times, the reference to France appears to be a retaliatory effort aimed at responding to the nation’s military strikes in Mali. As TheBlaze has reported, the European nation has 2,400 forces in the North African nation and is taking steps to combat al Qaeda operatives there.
troops patrol on January 30, 2013 along the Niger river in the northern
city of Gao, a key Islamist stronghold until it was retaken on January
26 by French and Malian troops in a major boost to the French-led
offensive against the Al Qaeda-linked rebels, who have been holding
Mali’s vast desert north since last April. Credit: AFP/Getty Images
Aside from giving this account of the
general areas the al Qaeda will target, the unidentified writer also
outlines the mechanisms that will purportedly be used. In addition to
lone-wolf attacks, “booby-trapped vehicles” are written up as the
group’s weapons of choice. According to the Times, U.S. officials are
taking the Internet threat seriously.
“Extremists regularly make threats
online,” one official told the outlet. “This one is not particularly
unusual, but of course should be taken seriously.”
The threat comes as debate surrounds former Sen. Chuck Hagel and his potential confirmation as the Obama administration’s new Secretary of Defense.
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