Not exactly Suleiman the Magnificent, but he'll have to do for now

"Crusaders": jihadists live in an eternal glorious past. In any case, this new jihad group is vowing to repel with force any attempt to remove Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood government. Will Ahmed Rehab of Hamas-linked CAIR fly over to Egypt to explain to them that jihad doesn't have to do with force, but with staying fit despite one's busy schedule? "New group Qaeda al-Jihad threatens to protect Egypt’s President," from the Voice of Russia, January 24 (thanks to Jacob):
An unknown group in Egypt, Qaeda al-Jihad has threatened to use force to protect President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood movement from any attack by secular forces and crusaders.
Its activist described Morsi as caliph and the vicar of God in Egypt, the daily Al-Quds al-Arabi said[.]
On Friday, in response to a call by the opposition, mass demonstrations will be held in many cities across the country. The demonstrators are planning to mark the second anniversary of the uprising that led to the ousted of President Hosni Mubarak and voice against the policy pursued by the incumbent President.
Moreover, the opposition has started insisting that Islamists have robbed the achievements of the revolution.
