Malaysian Muslim rights group threatens Bible burning, violence
More peace-loving gestures from the followers of the Noble Religion of Peace and Moderation in Malaysia. Muslim rights groups like Perkasa, always on a hair trigger, are ready to use violence and to destroy Bibles with the unauthorized word 'Allah'. And the group's leader claims that such threats are to 'prevent violence' (!). A follow up to this earlier story; from "Under fire, Perkasa says bible-burning threat meant to prevent violence", by Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider, 24 January 2013:
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 24 ― Despite facing heat for Datuk Ibrahim Ali’s bible-burning remark, Malay rights group Perkasa have insisted their president’s words were actually a “wake-up call” to prevent possible violence against distributors of bibles containing the word “Allah” and other Arabic scripts.
The group’s secretary-general, Syed Hassan Syed Ali, said Ibrahim has no problem facing the consequences of his remarks, including being questioned by the police due to the reports lodged against him.
“To the Perkasa president, he is sure not worried about these reports... because the investigation will surely be based on truth and justice,” he said in a statement sent to The Malaysian Insider.
But Syed Hassan maintained that Ibrahim’s statement was more to prevent possible physical violence and other untoward incidents, should these Malay-language bibles get into the hands of Muslim students.
If this is seen by Muslims who view this as an attempt at apostasy, the Perkasa leader said violence could be used against the book’s distributor.
“I very much understand my president’s statement because it is as a ‘wake-up call’ to all parties to prevent these untoward incidents.
“This is what the president fears because then there would be a physical attack between those of different faiths... this is not good for the nation,” he said.
Now, followers of which faith would physically attack those of other faiths? I'll leave that to your imagination.
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