New book documents how American taxpayers finance Palestinian terrorists.
Investigative author Edwin Black details how American taxpayers help fund Palestinian terrorists in his new book, ”Financing the Flames: How Tax-Exempt and Public Money Fuel a Culture of Confrontation and Terror in Israel.”
“As soon as a Palestinian terrorist murders an innocent civilian, blows up a bus, or commits any other act of terrorism in Israel, he or she goes on an official Palestinian Authority salary,” Black explained to The Daily Caller. “That salary level follows a schedule of compensation that rises dramatically with the number of people killed and the amount of carnage inflicted.”
“These are the best compensation packages in the PA, dwarfing the wage of an ordinary worker,” he continued. “Hence, you can go from rags to riches in Palestine by murdering a family or firebombing a bus. Approximately $3 million to $7 million each month is paid in this program, constituting approximately 6 percent of the PA’s annual budget. Since the PA is constantly operating at a deficit, this cash supply is dependent upon donor countries such as the United States, the UK, France and Norway. Their foreign ministries and our State Department know about this terror financing, but our congressmen do not, nor does the American public — until now.”Beyond funding terrorists, you also document how U.S. taxpayer funds are used to exploit children in the Palestinian territories. In what way?
There are many examples, but here is just one. In the village of Nabi Saleh on the West Bank, there is a scheduled riot every Friday at approximately 1 p.m. Everyone in Israel knows it is going to happen. The rioters attempt to take over the highway. The soldiers stop them just before they reach the intersection.The mothers push their children into the M-16s of hapless Israeli soldiers, train them to spit upon and provoke the soldiers and to drape their flags over the soldier’s face mask.
All this is done in an attempt to play for the cameras. These cameras are provided by an NGO named B’Tselem, which actually provides cameras to the protesters who are swarming around the soldiers, sometimes only inches from the end of their noses.If a soldier reacts, that reaction is captured on cameras distributed by B’Tselem and others, then uploaded to the Internet. B’Tselem is receiving massive funding from the New Israel Fund, which makes all this possible. It answers the question: “If the Palestinians rioters speak Arabic and the Israeli soldiers speak Hebrew, why are the riots conducted in English?” Answer: They are playing for the cameras, and the New Israel Fund uses tax-subsidized American dollars to make it happen.
Using children as human shields is a violation of international law. Whether their mothers proudly strap bomb vests onto their torsos or shove them into loaded M-16s, this crime should not be exploited or encouraged.
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