Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace"Mohammed is God's apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
 to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
  Quran 48:29

2013.11.13 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - A 26-year-old Buddhist on a motorcycle is machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2013.11.13 (Afula, Israel) - A 19-year-old soldier sleeping in a bus is brutally stabbed to death by a 16-year-old Muslim.
2013.11.11 (Nazimabad, Pakistan) - Sipah-e-Sahaba members gun down a Shiite inside a shop.
2013.11.10 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A Fedayeen suicide bombing is among a string of terror attacks that leave seven dead.
2013.11.10 (Pattani, Thailand) - A 63-year-old Buddhist is taken out in a Muslim drive-by.
2013.11.08 (Tekoa, Israel) - A Jewish mother and daughter are burned by a Palestinian firebomb attack.
Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.
Articles & Commentary
The Myth of Islamic Extremism  (Daniel Greenfield)
"Non-Muslims remain unequal no matter which brand of Islamic theocracy is in charge."
Abi Zara: Islam's Model Husband?  (Islam Watch)
The man whom Muhammad praised as being a perfect Muslim husband actually swapped out a wife for one with better breasts.
Many Things Rotten in Denmark  (FrontPage Magazine)
"Islamic beliefs and behaviors demand discussion in an open forum free from legal retribution. Serious policy issues concerning Islam in free societies will simply not disappear due to a politically correct mandated silence."
Islam: The Foundation of Mideast Conflict  (FrontPage Magazine)
"Expansive Islam is driven by the venerated Quran, one-third of which is devoted to the denigration of Jews."
Honor and Obey  (ABC)
". . . So they killed her and made their other children watch the consequences of perceived dishonour."
When Opposing Jihad is 'Racist'  (Robert Spencer)
If Muslims ever get the world they want, who will they have left to blame?
How Gay is Islam?  (Pat Condell)
A little something to offend almost everyone here - but mostly on-topic. Nothing on our planet is a greater threat to the welfare of homosexuals than Islam.
The Continuing Nazi Influence on Arab Attitudes  (INN)
"Significant elements of Nazi Germany's influence on the Middle East have remained until today. This also affects current conflicts in the region."
British and U.S. Aid Subsidizing Palestinian Terror  (The Guardian)
Maybe if money wasn't free to them, the Palestinians would actually build economies instead of using our donations to kill people.
French Natives Feel Like Minorities  (Iron Burka)
(Video) Looks like we have a new candidate for Dhimwit of the Month.
Peeling Back the Layers of Taqiyya  (Islam Watch)
Islam's apologists often shift topics to hide the truth of their religion. Sometimes they even lie. This is allowed by Islamic doctrine.
Germany's Sharia No-Go Zones  (FrontPage Magazine)
Sections of Germany are becoming occupied territory.
Preaching Hate in Tennessee  (Daniel Greenfield)
A Muslim 'rock star' in America can't stray too far from Islam's teachings about the inferiority of non-Muslims.
European Slaves in The Islamic Empire  (Secular African)
"When Muslim scholars argue that Islam is not race-based, they are proven right by the doctrine of slavery in Islam."
Blueprint for Islamized Education  (Molschky)
What's happening in the UK will almost certainly be coming to a school system near you.
Turkey Quietly Wooing America's Enemies  (AINA)
"Much of the early promise Westerners saw in Erdogan has fizzled."
German FP Leader Quotes Muslim Leaders  (YouTube)
(Video) A man trying to educate others about the threat Islam poses to their freedom is himself denied the freedom to speak without interference. Muslims often help make their opponents' case, particularly by shouting down critics of Sharia.
Why Can't We Admit We're Scared of Islamism?  (Church & State)
A Secularist admits, "Let's face it - we only challenge religions that won't hurt us, and governments that won't arrest us."
Greater Jihad, Lesser Jihad  (Islam Watch)
The apologists tell us that the highest form of Jihad is the 'inner struggle', but is that really what Muhammad said?
Ending the War on Terror  (FrontPage Magazine)
"Calling an end to the 'war on terror' is not a solution, because terror is not the enemy - Islamic supremacism is."
Why Did So Many Nazis Convert to Islam?  (INN)
Is it really a coincidence that Nazis traded one violent Supremacist ideology for another?
The Iran Hostage Crisis: 34 Years Later  (FrontPage Magazine)
American concessions are always interpreted as weakness by Islamic opponents.
UK Politicians Collaborate with Muslim Brotherhood  (Gatestone)
British leaders are embracing hate peddlers in the name of 'a more tolerant Britain'.
Blaming Israel for Christian Persecution  (Raymond Ibrahim)
Better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
The Psychology of Islamic Culture  (FSM)
An interesting review of a psychologist's work on Muslim dysfunction.
Blaming the Victim in Norway  (FrontPage Magazine)
Norway expects its citizens to pay for the needs of anyone demanding asylum, and to stay quiet, even when they are robbed and terrorized.
BBC Interview with Farooq Murad  (Answering Muslims)
Even the BBC is starting to notice that there is a hidden agenda, so is there hope for Britain? (Interview begins at about the 6:30 mark).
Religion of Death  (Molschky)
"While every other religion in the world is more peaceful, Islam is somehow known as the 'religion of peace'."
