Barack Obama – The Best Friend of America’s Muslim Enemies
the passing of another week, we have seen yet another manufactured controversy involving Donald Trump – this time involving his “failure” to “correct” a questioner at a campaign event in New Hampshire who asserted that President Obama is a Muslim. The media went into spasm of joy over this supposed “gaffe” that they are now assuring us will doom his presidential campaign. Turning aside for the moment from the possibility that the questioner was actually a serial Democrat plant who makes a habit out of trying to mob Republican events, the question he asked reignited the debate over whether Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim. While dismissed by left-wingers with a “Pshaww!,” this is actually an interesting question whose answer helps to explain why Obama does some of the things he does, and helps us to better understand, and thus develop defenses against, the many dangerous things he has done to weaken this country, both at home and abroad.
It should be pretty obvious to anyone who knows anything about it that whatever else he may be, Barack Obama is not a Christian. He has never professed a genuine Christian testimony of repentance and salvation. He demonstrates no evidences of a changed life (“by their fruits ye shall know them…”). He hasn’t regularly gone to church since leaving the congregation of “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright and his anti-Christian socialistic “liberation theology” doctrine. His support for a plethora of extremist left-wing social positions ranging from abortion on demand to gay “marriage” to radical feminism marks him out as someone who is certainly is not a Christian.
Is Barack Obama a Muslim? You have to admit, he definitely has some tendencies in that direction. Start with the fact that there are little things that seem to indicate some Muslim piety on his part, such as how he takes off his wedding ring during Ramadan (which many devout Muslims will do as part of the fasting ritual) and how he basically ignores Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter while giving official recognition at the White House to Muslim festival such as Eid al-Adha. Then there are the weird little “slips of the tongue” that many have made so much about. Remember when he Obama supposedly gaffed by talking about our 57 states? This wasn’t really a gaffe – there are 57 member states in the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, a group that encompasses nearly all Muslim majority countries in the world. Likewise, remember when Obama “misspoke” about “my Muslim faith” in that interview back in 2008? That’s a rather odd slip of the tongue for someone to make if they weren’t trying to mask that they were Muslim, don’t you think? While they might misspeak during an interview, I just couldn’t see Mike Huckabee or Franklin Graham or some other prominent Christian personality accidentally saying “my Muslim faith” before quickly correcting themselves. That’s the sort of fumble a person makes when they’re trying to hide something.
Even if he isn’t a Muslim, it’s still quite obvious that Obama prefers radical Islam over America, and is doing everything he can to strengthen the former and weaken the latter. He has appointed radical Muslim supporters of Islamic terrorism to high positions within his administration. He is in the process of helping Iran obtain nuclear weapons. He has consistently lollygagged in his supposed “war against ISIS,” and has even helped to allow American weapons to fall into the hands of ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq. At the same time, he has consistently refused to provide support to friendly, non-radical Muslim groups in the area such as the Kurds. He is also distancing us from the one sane, non-Muslim nation-state in the region – Israel. On and on it goes. One gets the feeling that if this were anybody but Obama, they’d be sitting in a cell in Gitmo while awaiting trial on charges of providing material support to terrorists.
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