Obama Inc. Funds Syrian Group Lobbying for US Intervention in Syria
t’s the great circle of life. The “Syrians” demand that we bomb Syria. And it turns out that the “Syrians” who want us to bomb Syria are funded by us, as Charles C. Johnson reveals.
The Syrian Emergency Task Force, the pro-rebel lobbying outfit that employs widely quoted intervention advocate Elizabeth O’Bagy as its political director, receives funding from the U.S. Department of State and related government contractors.“Most of the contracts that I’ve been a part of through the Task Force have been through CSO, which is the Conflict and Stabilization Office[sic],” O’Bagy told The Daily Caller. O’Bagy was likely referring to the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, a State Department-funded organization.State Department contracting firms like “ARK [Access Resources Knowledge], Chemonics, Creative [Associates International]—a number of the big contractors” set up the contracts and pay the Syrian Emergency Task Force, O’Bagy told TheDC.With each contract, O’Bagy made more money. This revelation raises serious questions about her incentives to support American involvement in Syria.When asked about the potential conflict of interest, O’Bagy said she was working for the Syrian people.
But the “Syrian people” are funded by us. So they’re working for us. Except oddly we seem to be working for them.
And who are the Syrian people of the Syrian Emergency Task Force? As discussed last week, they’re run by a Palestinian refugee who likes Hamas and has a track record of getting involved in regime change organizations.
One member of the SETF’s Board of Trustees/Board of Directors, Dr. Jihad Qaddour, was also a trustee of the Muslim American Society, which is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Another, Bassam Estwani, appears to have been the Imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, also known as Al-Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki’s former mosque. The mosque was considered a front for Hamas and other “Islamic extremists” by the Treasury Department.
A third, Zaher Sahloul, appears to be the Chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Chicago, an organization with terrorist links which is involved in organizing a boycott of Israel.http://frontpagemag.com/2013/dgreenfield/obama-inc-funds-syrian-group-lobbying-for-us-intervention-in-syria/
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