Robert Spencer: The Human Cost of Jihad Denial
Spencer: The Human Cost of Jihad Denial
In FrontPage this morning:
Wednesday brought new confirmation of the increasingly obvious fact that the U.S. intelligence apparatus in the age of Barack Obama is woefully unprepared to deal with the foremost threat to the safety of Americans today: Islamic jihad terrorism. Nor is this lack of preparedness due to a lack of funding (Lord knows there is plenty of that for anything Obama wants to do) or other resources. There are many people who are deeply knowledgeable in the ideology and belief system that inspires Islamic jihad terror, and they are ready and willing to share their knowledge with intelligence officials – indeed, many of them did so during the Bush Administration and the early years of the Obama Administration, before his 2011 purge the counter-terror training materials of the truth about Islam and jihad.
That purge came after hard-Left journalistic propagandist Spencer Ackerman wrote a series of “exposes” that supposedly exposed “Islamophobia” in government counterterror training — that is, truthful information about Islam and jihad. See here and here for details. Then Farhana Khera, Executive Director of an Islamic organization called Muslim Advocates, wrote a letter on October 19, 2011 to Barack Obama’s then-Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and current CIA director John Brennan. The letter was signed by 57 organizations, including many with ties to Hamas and the Muslim
Brotherhood, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR); the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA); Islamic Relief USA; the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); the Muslim American Society (MAS); and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)....
That made two intelligence failures in one day: the thorough discrediting of the widely circulated claim that the bombers acted alone, and news of a second country warning the U.S. about a jihadist at a time when U.S. officials are not allowed to know what a jihadist is. On Tuesday, Spencer Ackerman complained that the examination of counterterror procedures that Obama promised during his press conference that day was unlikely to bear fruit. He noted that James “Clueless” Clapper, the director of national intelligence, was overseeing that review, and “yet before the inquiry has concluded, Clapper is satisfied — as he first said last week, before any review even got started — that the intelligence agencies didn’t drop the ball on Boston.”
He should be grateful for that. If the Obama Administration’s review of the massive intelligence failures related to the Boston jihad bombing were thorough, it would lead directly to him.
In any case, Wednesday’s revelations show the human cost of the denial of the reality and magnitude of the jihad threat. Three people are dead and well over 200 wounded because bumbling, ill-instructed (and in many cases reeducated) FBI agents didn’t know how to understand or act upon intelligence they received from Russia and (probably) Saudi Arabia. How many more have to die before the bloody legacy of Farhana Khera, John Brennan, Spencer Ackerman and Barack Obama is decisively rejected?
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