UK: Labour party suspends Muslim peer after he blames "Jewish conspiracy" for his jail sentence for killing someone while texting and driving

Of course, who else's fault could it be but the Jews? This clown has no business being a peer at all, and the fact that he is shows the weakness and confusion of contemporary Britain. "Labour suspends controversial peer over claims he blamed a Jewish conspiracy for his dangerous driving jail sentence," by Matt Chorley for the Daily Mail, March 14 (thanks to David):
The Labour party today suspended one of its peers over claims he blamed a Jewish conspiracy for being jailed for dangerous driving.

Lord Ahmed was imprisoned for three months for sending texts minutes before his car was involved in a fatal crash on the M1.

But Britain’s first male Muslim peer has blamed his prison sentence on pressure placed on the courts by Jews ‘who own newspapers and TV channels’, The Times reported.
The 55-year-old allegedly told an Urdu-language broadcast in Pakistan that the judge who jailed him for 12 weeks was appointed to the High Court after helping a ‘Jewish colleague’ of Tony Blair during an important case.

As the controversy emerged, the Labour party moved to suspend him from the party and condemned ‘any sort of anti-Semitism’. Labour leader Ed Miliband is Jewish.
In 2009 Lord Ahmed of Rotherham admitted in court sending and receiving five messages at 60mph on the M1.

The last was sent two minutes before the former magistrate's Jaguar speeded into Slovakian father-of-two Martyn Gombar, 28, who died.
Sentencing Ahmed, 51, at Sheffield Crown Court, Mr Justice Wilkie accepted his texting had not caused the crash.

But he said the 'prolonged, deliberate and highly dangerous driving' of the peer meant only jail time could be justified.

According to the Times, Lord Ahmed used an interview to claim it should have been sentenced by a magistrate.
‘My case became more critical because I went to Gaza to support Palestinians,’ he said.
‘My Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels opposed this.’
He claimed that Jewish-owned media groups put pressure on the courts to charge him with a more serious offence.
He also alleged Mr Justice Wilkie rose to prominence during Tony Blair's premiership in ‘an important case involving a Jewish colleague of ours’.

The interview, given during a visit to Pakistan, is thought to have been aired in April last year....
