Arab states are considering the possibility of demanding that Israel apologize for the killings of Palestinian territories and in Lebanon"

As I said here: "This apology sets a bad precedent -- one which jihadists are certain to exploit every time Israel defends itself in the future." And now it is already happening.
"Arab diplomat: We may seek Israeli apology over 'Palestinian killings,'" from Ynet News, March 24 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
The Turkish news agency reported that an Arab diplomat said that "Arab states are considering the possibility of demanding that Israel apologize for the killings of Palestinian territories and in Lebanon in the same way that they apologized to Turkey for the Marmara." The issue was raised at an Arab League meeting held on Saturday in Qatar. The diplomat added: "The Israeli apology to Turkey was seen as a positive move by the Arab nations." (Roi Kais)
