Jihad in Nigeria: Muslims wielding guns and machetes massacre Christian family, including five children
Will the Islamophobia never end?
"Nigeria Christians Mourn Their Dead After Massacre, Attacks," from BosNewsLife, February 24 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
"Nigeria Christians Mourn Their Dead After Massacre, Attacks," from BosNewsLife, February 24 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
ABUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in central Nigeria could mourn their dead Sunday, February 24, after the massacre of a Christian family while sectarian clashes killed one person and left churches, homes and mosques burnt, officials said. In one the worst incidents since Thursday, February 21, suspected Muslim attackers used machetes and guns to murder 10 members of the same Christian family in Plateau state, with half the victims under the age of six, the military and government confirmed.
"A [Christian Berom] family of 10 were ... murdered" by Muslim Fulani herdsmen said Pam Ayuba, the governor's spokesman, in published remarks. "Five little children including a two-month-old child were slaughtered."
Members of the mostly Christian Berom ethnic group, who consider themselves the state's indigenous people, have previously accused the military of involvement in violence on behalf of the Fulani.
However French news agency AFP quoted a military spokesman in Plateau, Lt. Kingsley Amos, as saying no soldiers were involved in the attack.
"Somehow, some hoodlums and criminals gained access to our old uniforms...but I can assure that none of our people were involved," he said....
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