AFDI free speech victory: Chicago Transit Authority capitulates to the First Amendment, will run AFDI anti-jihad ads.


Chicago Transit Authority, after cheerfully running Hamas-linked CAIR's cynical and deceptive #MyJihad ads, has reluctantly acquiesced to the First Amendment and agreed to run our counter-jihad ads. Pamela Geller has more details here.
Help us run these ads in Chicago, San Francisco and Washington: we want to counter Hamas-linked CAIR's propaganda. everywhere they run it. Please donate via Paypal to or tax-deductible to Mailing address: 1040 1st Avenue, Box 121 NY NY 10022.
Here is the letter from the CTA, full of the usual Leftist/Islamic supremacist smears and contempt:

Our lawyer, David Yerushalmi of the American Freedom Law Center, responded:
Dear Ms. Seimetz: Thank you for your letter of today's date. To the extent that the indemnity you will ask my client to sign is commercially and legally reasonable and indeed an agreement required of all advertisers, I don't imagine that will be an issue.

As to you prefatory comment about my client's ad being morally reprehensible, I must note that you provide no basis for your professed moral outrage other than conclusory language about advocating racism, hatred and the like. For a lawyer employed by a state entity, your comments are both inappropriate and logically inept. My client's ad advocates no such thing. That suggests, of course, that your commentary is a political cover for the CTA, which in turn speaks to the lack of intellectual integrity and moral rectitude of both the CTA and its spokespersons.
Be that as it may, the CTA has capitulated grudgingly, apparently, to the First Amendment of the Constitution. And, apparently, we have my clients to thank for that.
