Pamela Geller: The Battle for Seattle:

War in the Information Battlespace in Seattle
The haters are out in full force in Seattle.
There is another vicious lie of an ad campaign running on Seattle buses.
Palestinians have equal rights with Israelis -- and make up but a third of the population. Both President of the  Palestinain Authority Mahound Abbas and US favorite Prime Minister Salam Fayyad have gone on record saying that no Jews will be allowed to live in Palestine and that all Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and Jewish neighborhoods built in post-67 Jerusalem will have to be emptied out before they will accept their state. They are demanding a judenrein state.
The Muslim minority in Israel identifies with active enemies of its state, such as the terror organizations Hamas and Hezbollah.
"The way to peace" is to recognize the right of the Jewish state to exist and to expunge the quran of the violent Jew-hating texts that exhort Muslims to commit genocide.
In Israel’s Declaration of Independence, the founders determined that their nation be a Jewish state that offers equal rights to its Arab citizens.
You see no such equality for Jews (or Christians or non-Muslims) under the sharia in Muslim countries. There are no equal rights for women or religious minorities in Gaza or any country where the sharia is the rule of law.
Of course this wasn't acceptable to the clueless and compromised authorities. They demanded that we give them documentation that the Palestinian Authority was really calling for a Jew-free state. Do you think they asked the Jew-haters for documentation that "Palestinians" don't have equal rights in Israel? I don't either.
We gave them the documentation. We sent them quotes from Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian Authority leaders, saying that no Jews would be allowed to live in the Palestinian State. But they still are hestitating to run the ad. They are scared to death of their Islamic supremacist masters, and don't dare to cross them by running our truthful ad.
We are ready to sue for our free speech rights. And we will win. But we need your help -- for the legal costs, and the cost of the ads, and the cost of running these ads everywhere that the Jew-haters are running theirs. No one else is putting the jihadis and Islamic supremacists on the defensive the way we are. No one else is countering the Goebbels-like Big Lie and blood libel against Israel that the left is circulating everywhere. Please think about how important it is to counter their lies
