Liberal Rag! The Tennessean Wages Jihad and defames patriots who stood for free speech:

I met Nicole Young of The Tennessean last night and asked her if she was as bad as her colleague Bob Smietana, who is one of the most truth-challenged, agenda-driven, pro-Muslim Brotherhood reporters in the country. Her report is probably not as bad as Smietana's would have been, but she still places front and center the preposterous claim that someone in the crowd was "afraid" of the other audience members, as if these patriots who came out to defend the freedom of speech were some gang of thugs -- but of course, that's how the mainstream media always portrays those who oppose jihad and Islamic supremacism, and the facts be damned.

The Tennessean report, like Bill Killian and Kenneth Moore, completely ignores the genuine concern that people have about jihad and Islamic supremacist activity, and the fact that Muslim groups (aided and abetted by Obama) use claims of "hate" and "bigotry" to shut down honest discussion of how jihadists use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and supremacism. Killian and Moore expatiated at length about how "inflammatory" speech could violate civil rights laws, and how Arab and Muslim children were being taunted in school, and how Tennesseans should be more welcoming, etc. But no one was there to defend the taunting of Muslim or Arab schoolchildren. No one was there because he hated foreigners. People were there because they know that truthful and accurate exploration of Islam's violent teachings has been deemed "inflammatory" by both Muslim groups and the Obama regime -- and that leaves us unable to examine the motives and goals of jihad terrorists, or to defend ourselves adequately against them. That's why everyone was so upset with Killian and Moore, but they were either oblivious to that fact or intent on ignoring it.
And Pamela Geller's questions are apposite: "The enemedia supporting the suppression and restriction of free speech in America presents an interesting paradox. Are they so clueless or self-important that they think they will be spared? Didn't the Obama administration spying on the AP and other news organizations teach them anything?" Good questions for Nicole Young to ponder.

"Diversity event draws raucous crowd in Coffee County," by Nicole Young for The Tennessean, June 4 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
MANCHESTER — Hundreds of people turned out at the Manchester Convention Center Tuesday evening for an event billed as a discussion of public discourse in a diverse society, with a particular focus on the Muslim religion.

People were turned away at the door because the facility was too full. Some grew angry and started hurling terms like “Communist,” “Socialist” and “Muslim” at law enforcement officials.
The indoor event, sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council, was countered by a large group of protesters, both outside and inside the facility. Some who made it in before admission was cut off continuously interrupted the speakers.

The interruptions were so intense at times that attendee Elaine Smith, 55, of Bedford County, said she was afraid of other audience members.

“I came here because I wanted to learn something … but I couldn’t hear because the audience was so disrespectful,” she said. “I cried when I got here. It makes me really sad especially because these people say they’re Christians. The God I worship doesn’t teach hate.”
During the keynote speech given by Bill Killian, US Attorney of the Eastern District of Tennessee, audience members continually interrupted, making it difficult to understand what was said. Killian brought a power point presentation that covered the First and 14th Amendments and what constitutes a hate crime, among other things. He read the First Amendment verbatim, between interruptions.

FBI special agent in charge of the Eastern Tennessee District Kenneth Moore took the podium after Killian.

“Our presence here tonight has generated some controversy,” he said. “People think we want to step on and stifle their First Amendment rights. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
Moore said the FBI was continually working to build relationships with worshippers of Islam and other faiths because “they are essential” to keeping the country safe.
Protester Larry McIntosh, 54, of Manchester, said he was skeptical of Killian and Moore.
“I feel like (these) men are attempting to intimidate people with the freedom of speech and that bothers me,” he said. “I would like to say that Muslims have a right to live here and worship freely, but I do not think they have the right to change American law to fit Sharia law. Violence no matter where it comes from bothers me.”

Former Saturday Night Live star Victoria Jackson was among the protesters.
“The Constitution and Sharia cannot coexist,” she said. “Islam is evil.”

Event organizers said they chose Manchester and Coffee County because of a Facebook post made by Coffee County Commissioner Barry West last month that said Muslims were best greeted behind a shotgun barrel. West later apologized for the post, but it has since ignited a First Amendment debate.

Gene Policinski, senior vice president and executive director of the First Amendment Center, a non-profit educational iniative [sic] with offices on Vanderbilt Campus and in Washington D.C., said the First Amendment does not restrict the right of a public official to express opinions.
“Are public officials held to a higher standard than you or I? I think yes, but it's not a limitation,” he said. “There's nothing in the First Amendment banning anyone to say things that people find repellant, distasteful, repugnant, or even bigoted. The antidote that our founders provided for speech is more speech, not less.”
Tell it to Killian.
