Locks cut at aqueduct that supplies water to Greater Boston:

Last month, seven Muslim "chemical engineers" were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir, a key supply of water for Boston, after midnight. Police stepped up patrols, but still now the locks were cut.
The Canadian jihadists who were recently caught discussed poisoning the water supply (and the air) to murder as many as 100,000 people, and poisoning the water supply of a major city has long been bandied about among jihadis as a consummation devoutly to be wished.

"Locks Cut At Aqueduct That Supplies Water To Greater Boston," from CBS Boston, June 3 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

FRAMINGHAM (CBS) – The Massachusetts Water Resources Authoritysays someone cut the locks to three hatches at one of its aqueducts in Framingham.

The incident occurred at the Hultman Aqueduct, which is one of the two lines that carry drinking water to the Greater Boston area.

The three padlocks were cut from separate access hatches located at approximately half-mile intervals along the aqueduct. Police say there is evidence of an attempt to cut a fourth lock.

State Police are investigating, though they say “there is no evidence of any crime other than vandalism.”
The MWRA says it doesn’t appear anyone tried to tamper with the water supply and there does not appear to be any contamination or changes in water quality.

Last month, State Police stepped up patrols at public water supplies after seven people were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir in Belchertown.

