New Robert Spencer book, The Arab Spring Comes to America, coming in 2014 from Regnery Publishing:

I'm pleased to announce that I've just signed a contract with Regnery Publishing for my thirteenth book, The Arab Spring Comes to America.

On April 15, 2013, at the Boston Marathon, the Arab Spring came to America. But it was by no means the first time.

The ideology behind the Boston Marathon was the same as the one that fueled the Arab Spring uprisings that were hailed by the media and the Obama Administration as a new flowering of pro-Western sentiment, democracy, and pluralism in North Africa and the Middle East. It was also the same ideology held by the Muslim Army psychiatrist who murdered thirteen Americans at Fort Hood in November 2009 – and by the 9/11 hijackers.

The fruit of the Arab Spring is now clear: North Africa and the Middle East are in flames; the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over Egypt; a U.S. consulate was attacked and a U.S. ambassador was murdered in Libya (where Obama gave military aid to the anti-Gaddafi rebels); and Syria is engulfed in a bloody civil war that has attracted Islamic jihad terrorists from all over the globe.

And the jihad attacks and plots in the U.S. show that our future in this country could be just as bloody.
In The Arab Spring Comes to America, I will explain the driving forces behind the jihadists operating now in the United States: their beliefs, their associations, and the international jihad network that is working for the same goals around the globe – including in the Arab Spring uprisings. This book will unveil the truly shocking truth behind the rosy mainstream media propaganda of the Arab Spring, and show how, despite media denial and obfuscation about their motivations and goals, the Fort Hood attack, the Boston Marathon bombings, and other violent acts by Muslims in the U.S. in recent years were indeed fresh instances of the Arab Spring ideology coming to the U.S.

The Arab Spring Comes to America will delve deeper as well. I will expose the details of the belief system of jihad terrorists in the U.S., and explain its relationship to “moderate Muslim” advocacy groups also operating here. This is essential information for Americans to have in the wake of the Boston bombings, the Fort Hood shooting, and other jihad terror activity on American soil. For while that terror activity is increasing, the Obama Administration has systematically removed any mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training manuals for the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies – which removal plays a large part in the intelligence failures that make continuing jihad activity in the U.S. possible.

That makes it all the more crucial for every patriotic American – and every lawmaker who wishes to counter the Obama Administration’s suicidally politically correct counterterror policies – to be fully informed about this dangerous belief system, so as to be able to formulate strategies to counter it realistically and effectively.
The Arab Spring Comes to America will serve as a practical and informative guide to countering that belief system and defending freedom.

All I have to do now is write it. Watch for it in early 2014.
