Thirteen countries have death penalty for apostasy — all Muslim

This is a very telling report on what constitutes normative Islam, contradicting the inaccuracies that ill-informed and agenda-driven folk continue to spread. In normative Islam, challenging or criticizing Islamic texts renders you worthy of death. These countries demonstrate a clear awareness of that fact.

Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen are the relevant countries.
All of these countries, except Pakistan, allow for capital punishment against apostasy, while Pakistan imposes the death penalty for blasphemy - including a disbelief in God.
Among the best-ranked countries in the report, which received a "free and equal" rating, were Jamaica, Uruguay, Japan, Taiwan, and Belgium.
View the report's full rankings in the interactive map, below:

The UK received a middling classification of "Systemic Discrimination" in the report, while “extant religious privileges and legal exemptions, often linked to the established state church” were listed as a cause for concern, as well as faith schools and required collective worship in state-funded schools.
