Afghan Woman Barbarically Lynched Bye The Religion Of Peace And Women's Right's After Being Falsely Accused of Burning Quran
The video posted here contains scenes of graphic violence.
As the police stood by and watched, a 27-year-old Muslim woman was brutally murdered by a mob in Kabul, Afghanistan after she was falsely accused of burning a Quran by an Islamic cleric.
The young Muslim woman, Farkhunda Malikzada, was viciously beaten, stoned, deliberately run over by a car, thrown into a dry river bed, crushed with larger stones, and then set on fire.
It was later determined by the Afghanistan Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs that Farkhunda Malikzada had not burned a Quran.
Although the murder of Farkhunda occurred in March 2015, the New York Times in recent months was able to collect cell-phone videos and pictures of the lynching from sources in Afghanistan and online, and compiled a lengthy video of the horrific crime, which it published at on Dec. 26, 2015.
The reporters who did the work are John Woo, Adam B. Ellick, and Alissa J. Rubin.
The video contains scenes of graphic violence. It reveals the radical and violent nature of not a few Islamic believers in Kabul, and shows the precarious condition of the police and civil order in that city.
It further reveals the brutal way in which women can be treated in Afghanistan in some instances.
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