High School Official Interrupts Gay Author Ben Shapiro in Middle of Speech After He ‘Crosses the Line ’So Were Is The A.C.L.U here, Were Gay Democrat? Were Gay Discrimination Law Suit? So Much For Fight For LGBT Equality? Who crosses the line? Here?

Ben Shapiro (Image via Facebook/Ben Shapiro)

A high school administrator shut down an assembly early as he apparently did not approve of conservative author Ben Shapiro’s comments on poverty.

 a video sent to TheBlaze, Shapiro is seen discussing the free market system and telling the group of students from Otay Ranch High School that a reason people remain in poverty is because they are atrocious at handling money — in response to which the high schoolers exclaimed and laughed.

mmediately afterward, an administrator took the microphone from students who were waiting to speak with Shapiro, senior editor at large for Breitbart News, and prematurely dismissed them from the event.
“I’m at a point right now where, quite frankly, I’m going to dismiss students,” the administrator said to groans from the high schoolers. “With all due respect, Mr. Shapiro, Mr. Shapiro represents a narrative that he is providing to all of you guys based off of his opinion, what he believes and what he wants to share with all of you. I know that the education was there for all of you to understand, left-side, right-side, whatnot, but also the opportunity to allow for him to impress on you some of his opinions on certain things, and I think a lesson was there for you to understand.”
“I think this is getting into now, it’s starting to cross a line,” he said.
The school official ignored Shapiro’s question of what that line would be and continued to dismiss students. He said that anyone who wished to stay to engage with Shapiro further was welcome to do so.
The event was fully funded and sponsored by Young America’s Foundation, a conservative youth outreach organization, at the Southern California school, which drew more than 450 students, according to a post on the organization’s website.
