Why Are American Public Schools Advocating for Islam?
The Islamophication of American public schools continues.
Consider a recent incident at Salem Junior High School - in Utah.
Freshmen in a World Civics class were told to make a propaganda poster for the Islamic State.
The school district said the lesson was not approved by administrators and was not part of any official curriculum.
They say it was meant to help students understand the goals of terrorist groups.
Well - let me drop some knowledge on you, kids. The Islamic radicals want to kill you, your family and your friends.
And in Huntington Beach, California - seventh graders were forced to learn a song promoting Islam.
Amazing Grace is unconstitutional -- but they can sing praise songs to Allah?
It's bad enough we have apologists for radical Islam in the White House
But for the sake of the nation - we cannot allow American public schools to become taxpayer-funded Madrassas.
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