Largest Islamic Event in France: All Evil in World Caused by Jews Anti-Semitic speeches were given 'places of honor' at the 31st congress of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France.
prominent conference on Islam in Paris gave a place of honor to virulently anti-Semitic speeches. Speaking at the 31st Congress of the Union of Islamic Organizations in France, Hani Ramadan -- a celebrated Muslim leader from Geneva and the grandson of Hassan Al-Banna, the extremist founder of the Muslim Brotherhood – said, "All the evil in the world originates from the Jews and the Zionist barbarism."
Writing in France’s Le Figaro, sociologist Michele Tribalat, who attended the conference, reported on Ramadan’s speech. Ramadan also railed against Jewish and pro-Israel groups in the U.S. and France who he said control the government and media.
“[In the] United States, no one can be elected president without having been to kowtow to AIPAC,” Ramadan said. “Same thing in France…[nobody can be] be elected without the approval of the CRIF (the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France).”
Ramadan’s brother, Tariq Ramadan, was banned from entering the U.S. for a number of years by the U.S. State Department for providing material support to terrorist organizations, specifically for donating money to organizations known to be funding Hamas.
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