Egyptian Women Form New Group to Fight Domestic Violence A group of Egyptian women in the Sinai have been coordinating efforts to expose and fight human rights abuses by the army and Islamists

A group of Egyptian women calling themselves "Egyptian Women Supporting Human Rights in the Conflict Area in the Sinai Peninsula" launched a campaign "Women Against Violence, Stop the Violence Against Women." The goal of the campaign is to expose the human rights abuses carried out by the Egyptian armed forces and by the Islamist militants.
The group has collected testimonies from women who reported having experienced harassment at work, on the street or at home. The most frequest form of harassment is verbal. In addition, armed personnel are known to break into homes and workplaces in the search for wanted outlaws or terrorists.
The towns of Rafiah and Alshech Zweid have the highest rates of violations of women’s and children’s rights in the areas of conflict in northern Sinai.
To date, women’s group has trained 20 women from Rafiah, Bir Alabed, El Arish and Alshech Zweid to assist women who have been affected by the violence.
