Homegrown Muslims of America Terrorist Camps in the US – 31 of Them!?

Muslims in America,” just three words you type into a search engine. When you do, what you find is not important. My searches show that “Muslims in America” concerns the general topic of Muslims in American, not a militant training organization of mostly black American Muslims, many converts to Islam from a prison stay.  There are believed to be 31 – 35 training camps spread across about 15 states from sea-to-shining-sea. The Muslims of America (or Muslims of the Americas),Inc (MoA) are also known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JF) and Soldiers of Allah (SOA). The sheikh behind this operation is Mubarak Ali Gilani. He says these compounds are the “most advanced training courses in Islamic military welfare” and he doesn’t restrict it to just the U.S. so the U.S., in Galani’s estimation, is the head of the snake for jihad training. See an excellent documentary video below. UPDATE: On Soldiers of Allah, which are considered al-Fuqra – Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood jihidist made a statement that he was a Soldier of Allah.

My state reportedly has one an Al-Fugra compound in Talihina, Oklahoma, such a beautiful part of the state that begins with the Talimena National Scenic Byway, and travels over the Winding Stair Mountains, a part of the Ouachita Mountain range to Mena, Arkansas (from eastern Oklahoma to Western Arkansas). Oklahoma mountains are not the Rockies, but this drive is stunningly beautiful.

Somewhere in the lushness of this mountain range, sequestered away, lies a terror camp training to deal with the infidels of the United States.

Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, a Pakistani cleric, was once the imam of the Yasin Masjid in Brooklyn. Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal South Asia Bureau Chief was on his way to interview Gilani in Pakistan when he was abducted and beheaded. Pearl was “retracing” the steps of “shoe-bomber” Richard Reid, believed to be a Gilani follower, when he was abducted in Karachi. Gilani was arrested and released. Al-Qaeda claims credit for the death of Daniel Pearl. Four men were convicted of Pearl’s death in 2001.

From the video below at 15:27 in:
…clearly he [Sheikh Gilani] has motive for wanting Daniel Pearl dead. On his website Sheikh Gilani states that Daniel Pearl was part of a government conspiracy, obviously Daniel Pearl was to target me and then an assassination team would be sent to kill me.
Muslims_of_America (Jamaat al-Fuqra) in America
Muslims_of_America (Jamaat al-Fuqra) in America
A partial list of known Jamaat ul-Fuqra camps
(Also known as Muslims of America and Quranic Open University)
  • Deposit, NY
  • Hancock, NY (National Headquarters)
  • Springfield, MA
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Hyattsville, MD
  • Fairfax, VA
  • Bethany, WV
  • Red House, VA
  • Meherrin, VA
  • Dover, TN
  • York, SC
  • Commerce, GA
  • Jessup, GA
  • Marion, AL
  • Houston, TX
  • Talihina, OK
  • Coldwater, MI
  • Buena Vista, CO (Raided and shut down by Colorado authorities in 1992)
  • Baladullah, CA (Leader convicted of scamming state out of $1.3 million in 2006.  Compound now abandoned.)
  • Oak Hill, CA
  • Onalaska, WA
JihadWatch has an interesting 2009 piece on Galini and one of his main compounds, Holy Islamberg, New York. Apparently, it once thrived until Pam Geller ran an exposé on the town. The FBI had been there in 2005…to celebrate Muslim Boy Scouts. Here’s what’s happening in Holy Islamberg (Islamburg) now:
But much has changed within this 70 acre Islamic settlement that is located in the dense forest between the small rural villages of Deposit and Hancock in upper New York State.
The sentry post is gone and no guards are in sight.

A handful of children play in the mud and muck before rows of rusty old trailers and a few women in full burqas sa

unter along the rutty dirt road that leads to the heart of the squalid Muslim compound.
Young men in Islamic garb no longer congregate before the makeshift mosque, and no students are in attendance at the one room shack that serves as Sheikh Gilani’s “International Quranic Open University”.

The few residents who remain, clearly are not environmentalists. Sewage seeps from septic tanks and outhouses into the creek that flows at the base of the settlement. Bags of rotting garbage remain stacked between the trailers. And the once pristine countryside is now littered with junk cars, moldy mattresses, empty tanks of propane, and old appliances.

Gunfire no longer can be heard from the firing ranges along the eastern parameter of the 70 acre property – - and no grunts come from new recruits at the obstacle course.
A new sign at the entranceway reads, “Welcome to Holy Islamberg: The International Quranic Open University.” Next to this sign, which features the image of a mosque emerging from the mountains, is a pot of plastic carnations. Another sign proclaims that the community is home to the “United Muslim – Christian Forum.”

Such statements of welcome are offset by the “No Trespassing” signs that have been nailed to trees throughout the compound.

On the opposite side of the road leading into the community is a rack of metal mailboxes bearing such names as Abdul-Haqq, Abdul Jalil, Mumim Roberts, Abdullah Simonds, and Salam Insan.

What has happened to this once bustling complex of radical Islamists – - a place where the cries of muezzins were accompanied by the incessant rat-tat-tat of machine gunfire? Where are the Arab dignitaries that used to visit this remote community in chauffeur-driven limousines? Where are the armed sentries who warded away all intruders?
“The place was scary,” a barfly at Cuzin’s Tavern in Deposit, says. “The last time I went there, I was surrounded by twenty-five Muslims with shotguns and Uzis. I haven’t heard much about it lately.”

Is the place still scary?

A recent visit confirmed the following:
(1). Islamberg contains massive underground bunkers that are interconnected by a network of tunnels. A building contractor, who resides in Sherman, Pennsylvania – - approximately 15 miles from Islamberg, says that he helped to install the bunkers and that the paramilitary training that formerly took place at the firing range and the obstacle courses now takes place now takes place at these subterranean locations.

(2). The compound is no longer centralized. Many of the wannabe jihadis have moved to nearby locations, including a trailer park less than a mile away.

(3). The community is engaged in a public relations campaign designed to present Islamberg and other Jamaat ul-Fuqra compounds as peaceful settlements that pose no threat to national security. In keeping with this campaign, Islamberg now proclaims itself to be the “International Headquarters” of the newly created “United Muslim – Christian Forum.” Read the entire story here.

They don’t go away, they just go underground.
Past JF Crimes/Current Criminal Activities, May 2001: 
*Between 1979-90, there have been approximately 10 unsolved assassinations & 17 firebombing cases involving JF members [3] Some of the more publicized crimes involving JF include:
1983-High ranking JF member plants pipe bomb at Portland hotel
1984-3 South Asians killed in Tacoma, WA suburb by JF members
1985- Islamic mosque bombed, Houston TX
1989-storage locker search warrant in Colorado Springs revealed weapons cache and intelligence documents belonging to JF members. Documents included maps and potential targets to include military sites, oil and gas installations, and electrical facilities.
The U.S. State Department says al-Fuqra (Muslims of America) is “an Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence.
“Over the past two decades, a terrorist group known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra, or ‘Community of the Impoverished,’ has been linked to multiple murders, bombings and various other felonies throughout the United States and Canada.”
Gilani’s “communes” are described by law enforcement as “classically structured terrorist cells.” Source: WND
Yet U.S. does not classify this mostly black America Muslim organization, Jamaat-al-Fuqra, a terrorist organization. Historically, the group has tax-exempt status in the U.S. If that has been revoked, I haven’t found it documented:
The sect emerged in the early 1980s, as Jilani built a following in a Brooklyn mosque, mixing charismatic fundamentalism with calls for young men to join Afghan guerrillas in their fight against the Soviet Union. But investigators say Jilani’s disciples also waged holy war on American soil. An alleged Al-Fuqra leader, Stephen Paster, blew off most of one hand preparing explosives for the July 1983 firebombing of a Portland, Ore., hotel owned by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the late Indian guru. He served four years in prison for the attack. Later that summer the leader of a small Detroit Muslim sect was shot to death. Authorities say his assailants were Al-Fuqra members who died in a subsequent firebombing of the sect’s headquarters.

The group’s violent past spilled into full view when Colorado Springs police raided a storage locker in 1989. They found a cache of firearms, grenades, plastic explosives and target — practice silhouettes labeled ZIONIST PIG and FBI ANTI-TERRORIST TEAM. Investigators also recovered Al-Fuqra documents linking the group to a pattern of mayhem, including the 1984 firebombings of Hare Krishna temples in Philadelphia and Denver and plans for the murder of Imam Rashid Khalifa, a Tucson, Ariz., cleric who preached that the Koran was written by man, not Allah. One handwritten passage advises that Khalifa be executed “in the quietest method feasible: knife, garrotte . . .” to ward off police. The notes add that anyone who happened onto the crime scene before Khalifa arrived would meet the same fate. “As we wait, everyone who comes must be eliminated. . . ” Khalifa was warned, but was stabbed to death four months later as prescribed in the documents. Last October a Colorado Springs jury convicted James Williams, a sect member, of conspiracy in the murder…

Investigators have also linked Clement Rodney Hampton-El, a Brooklyn man named in news reports as an Al-Fuqra member, to last year’s [1993] World Trade Center bombing conspiracy. They say he bragged to a federal informant about testing dynamite used in the blast. Hampton-El, an Afghan-war veteran, was never charged in the case, and his lawyer says he has no relationship with Al-Fuqra. Last June he was one of eight suspects arrested in an alleged terrorist plot to destroy other New York sites.Source: The Daily Beast
Remember the Beltway Snipers? The Christian Action Network released a statement saying there was evidence that the older killer, John Mohammed and the younger man, Lee Boyd Malvo, were members of Jamaat al-Fuqra, Muslims of America. The official story is that both were members of the Nation of Islam.
Malvo admitted to killing 42 people—not just the 10 murders that were solved—with Muhammad in 2002. Muhammad met a far-too-peaceful end in 2009 when he was executed by lethal injection. He went to sleep and—I am only theorizing here—he did NOT end up in the arms of 72 virgins. Source: Christian Action Network
Within 7 years of the snipings, John Allen Mohammed had been executed by lethal injection. He asked for an end to the appeals so that “you can kill this innocent black man.”
In May 2013, The Muslims of America, Inc. (MOA) filed a $30 Million libel lawsuit against the Christian Action Network.

Dr. Peter Leitner of the Higgins Counterterrorism Research Center says:
Essentially, we have a fifth column movement in the United States that is criminal in nature, criminal in background and criminal in future intent with a religious mission that’s been retrofitted onto them. It’s very, very dangerous – a very, very insidious organization operating here, throughout the United States.
At about 12:45 into the video below you see a training instructing to “Act just like you are a friend, and then kill them, just like from the book.”

About 20 minutes into the video Susan Fenger, a former Colorado investigator talks about the discoveries in Buena Vista, Colorado. After a raid on a storage locker, they found bomb making materials, pipebombs, handguns with silencers, and BLANK BIRTH CERTIFICATES. The FBI found surveillance on Buckley National Guard Air Base, The Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Warren Air Force Base and two Wyoming National Guard Armories.

Dr. Leithner says the storage locker also contained “targeting packages,” with instruction on who kill, how to do it and where. One target was a Tuscon imam. The plan was to kill him the kitchen of the mosque, and the MoA could then take over the facility. The FBI notified the imam who thanked them and continued on with whatever he did there. A few months later he was found murdered in the kitchen of the mosque, using the same techniques – the exact number of stabbings outlined in the targeting package.

At about 23 minuted into the video you hear the voice of Susan Fenger a former Colorado Chief Investigator. She has been told that Gilani has a contract out on her life. She says that napalm was involved in bombing of a Hindu or Hare Krishna temple in Colorado. Even with a bombing of a Colorado power station, Fenger says the FBI pulled out of the investigation on orders from Washington, D.C. (Bill Clinton’s administration). Without the help of the FBI, Governor Romer gave Fenger the authority to go after the group and told her she would have what she needed. She sought indictments and got them. She put together a 64-man team and they raided the Buena Vista camp. At about 26 mins into the video she lists the weapons cache they seized.

Dr. Leitner says these compounds are still here because the U.S. Government wants them here – “people within the Government who are manipulating Prosecutors to prevent Prosecutors from going after these organizations.”

About the last 6 or 7 minutes lists the crimes documented by al-Fuqra in the U.S.
The latest I have found on MoA is from 2012, mostly on blogs – lots of information before that date. Not much now.

These guys are homegrown. Think about – they’re just another guy in your neighborhood or town.

Homegrown Jihad – Muslims of America – Soldier of Allah – Jamaat al-Fuqra

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