UK: Jihadists fighting in Syria and Afghanistan, "learning the trade" and returning to Britain

British Home Secretary Theresa May warned of the same thing several days ago. Both she and Dr Sally Leivesley, security expert, seem to have blandly and complacently accepted that the Muslims who travel from Britain to Syria or Afghanistan and train for jihad simply must be admitted back into Britain. Yet when the jihadist imam Omar Bakri left Britain for Lebanon a few years ago, he wasn't allowed back in -- and May didn't hesitate to ban Pamela Geller and me from the U.K. for opposing the same jihad that these "Britons" are now returning from Syria to spread. Britain is, in other words, quite mad.
"Terrorism is 'no longer over there, it's here,'" from ITV News, October 9 (thanks to Kenneth):
Terrorism is "no longer over there, it's here" according to a security expert.Dr Sally Leivesley told Daybreak terrorists were frequently fighting abroad in countries like Syria and Afghanistan, "learning the trade" and then returning to England.
Dr Leivesley was speaking after the head of the MI5, Andrew Parker, went on a blistering attack against Edward Snowden and the Guardian for exposing America and Britain's mass-surveillance programme.
"It is quite interesting because he [Parker] talks about why we have to live without fear and it's why he..tries to dull down the statements that he is making, because he is really telling us we have to expect this.
"But he is also saying that it is so unpredictable that they can't tell if they are going to be successful against these attacks, because the whole of policing, is lifted off up the ground.
"It is no longer just the police on the street. It is really through the airwaves
