Thomas Jefferson's Koran & His Fight Against the Barbary Pirates

Radical Islam is not a new phenomenon. Back in the late 1700's, Thomas Jefferson was grappling with how to stop the incessant attacks on U.S. maritime ships by Barbary pirates, who were really North African jihadists.

The swearing in of Keith Ellison is a classic example. 

A-h-h-h-h - isn't it precious that we have our first Muslim congressman (what a melting pot we are!) and he gets to swear his oath of office -- not on a Bible God forbid -- but on the Koran...with Nancy Pelosi in attendance. Not a problem, though - and oh lookee here...we can have this precious "We are the world" moment sanctified by the use of one of our nation's founder's copy of the Good Book -- the author of the Declaration of Independence no less! You see, they were so enlightened back then, so open-minded. Why I bet they wrote the First Amendment with the Mohammedans in mind. And Jefferson just loved that ol' copy of the Koran; kept it by his bed and read in every night. I bet. 

Yeah, right. Allow us to give you a quick history lesson and then you can find out just why no one can do irony better than God.
